Boarding School

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Ashton is a problem child.

He stays out late, smokes, sasses back and swears at his parents, flunked out of school and hangs out with the wrong people and his parents have had enough.

They send him to a boarding school, where he meets Luke.

Luke is at the school too, and Ashton suddenly becomes his new best friend.


The door clicked shut behind him and Ashton silently kicked off his shoes, running up the stairs to his room.

Michael's party had been epic, but now he was going to throw up and one does not simply do that quietly.

The sound alerted his parents that their son was home, finally.

It was three in the morning, and this was the last straw for them.

"Where the hell have you been?" His father demanded, coming into the bathroom with his wife.

Ashton rolled his eyes and grabbed onto the sink to help pull himself up. "Out. Duh."

"Knock off the attitude." His dad warned.

"Knock off the attitude." Ashton mimicked. "I'm going to bed. Get out of my room."

"Ashton please," His mom sighed. "Let us help you, this isn't you."

"Oh sorry, did I mislead you all these years? This is the real me, you just don't want it to be." Ashton glared and stomped past them dizzily.

"Don't disrespect your mother that way." His dad growled. "You're grounded."

"And you're deaf." Ashton fell back onto his bed and reached for his pack of cigarettes. "I told you to get out so why haven't you?"

"You are setting a horrible example for your brother and sister." His mom hissed.

"You mean the people I didn't even want in the first place?" Ashton reminded. "Sorry." He said with an air of sarcasm as he pulled out his lighter and like the end of the cigarette.

"Don't smoke that! You're underage!" His dad snapped.

Ashton blew out a smoke ring and ignored him. "Still wondering why you're still here."

His mom sighed. "Let's just go to bed and deal with him in the morning."

His dad grabbed Ashton's phone and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Ashton flipped them off and rolled his eyes.


"Boarding school?!" Ashton screeched the next morning at the table. "Are you fucking insane?!"

"Watch your mouth." His dad warned.

"But PineHaven is such a lovely place!" His mom tried to put a positive spin on it. "You'll meet so many new friends, and have so much fun!"

"Has it ever crossed your mind that I don't want to make new friends? I have Michael and Calum. I don't need any new friends." Ashton slouched in his chair and crossed his arms.

"Those friends of yours got you arrested!" His dad shouted.

"Only twice!" Ashton yelled back.

"Shut up!" Mrs. Irwin screamed. "No fucking yelling in my house!"

"Don't swear!" Mr. Irwin shouted.

Ashton groaned and stood up. "I'm over this. I'm leaving. You can't make me go to stupid PineHaven, and you can't change me." He threw open the door, and gasped when he saw a bus waiting outside their driveway.

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