Baby Luke

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Ashton's phone vibrated in his pocket and he quickly silenced it before the teacher heard.

When it was safe to do so, he took it out and viewed the text from his mom.

Hey honey, your father and I have something important to tell you when you get home.

He typed a quick reply.

What is it?

I'll tell you when you get home.

He rolled his eyes. His parents had a huge flare for the dramatic. It was understandable though, they were both actors.

Sometimes it was hard being the son of two famous celebrities, but it also had it's benefits, like being crazy rich.

Sometimes he acted like a spoiled bitch to people he didn't like so they wouldn't talk to him.

But it had it's downsides too, his parents were always busy, and rarely had time to spend with him.

But he was used to it.

And he had his two best friends, Calum and Michael.

Speaking of, where were those fucktards?

Did they skip class without him again?

Douchefucks, he thought angrily. "Skipping class on me like nuh uh mister, you getcho ass back here and take me with you!"

"Mister Irwin, is there something you'd like to share with the class?" Mr. Craig asked. "Or are you gunna getcho
head back into the lesson?"

Students laughed while Ashton's face burned. Sometimes what he was thinking came out his mouth too.

"Sorry." He said and Mr. Craig returned to the lesson.

After school Ashton met up with Calum and Michael at the bike racks.

"You losers got me in trouble!" Ashton glared, punching Calum's shoulder.

"What, how?" He asked, bewildered.

" skipped class and uh...long story." Ashton said.

"Sorry, Mikey got sick and I had to bring him to the nurse." Ashton realized Michael was laying on the ground in front of them.

"I'm dying." He gasped, reaching his arms up to Ashton, who backed away, laughing. "No you creep, how long have you been laying there?"

"Fifteen minutes. I think he got food poisoning." Calum said, helping his friend up.

"That sucks." Ashton sympathized. "Wanna come to my place and relax?"

"Sounds amazing." Michael groaned. "But I should probably get to the ER."

"Yeah, you look a little green." Ashton gave him a quick hug. "Later."


Ashton walked to the front of the building and waited for his ride.

A few minutes later a black car pulled up and Ashton got in. He was glad his parents sent the least fancy car they own to pick him up. Students tended to give him dirty looks when his chauffer pulled up the the Ferrari.

"Good afternoon Mr. Irwin, good day at school?" The driver asked, pulling out of the school parking lot.

"For the most part." Ashton said. "Hey, do you know what my parents are planning? My mom sent me this text today about it."

"I do, but I'm not allowed to tell." He said, looking at Ashton in the rear view mirror and winking, making Ashton groan.

"Aw c'mon! Please? At least give me a hint." Ashton pleaded but the driver was firm.

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