The Problem With Santa

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No one had ever told Ashton Santa wasn't real.

At first, Luke thought it was a joke when Ashton happily bounded into the room, clapping his hands together excitedly and asking, "Are you boys ready for Santa to come tonight?"

"Yes Ash, totally." He had joked, before turning his attention back to his phone.

Ashton sighed happily and sat beside him. "I still don't understand how he can hit every single house in one night."

"Remember? His sleigh is super fast." Luke had thought Ashton was kidding, but when he looked up, he saw nothing but seriousness on his bandmates face.

"But how does he get into people's houses who don't have chimney's?" Ashton asked, cocking his head.

Michael quickly jumped up. "He finds a way. Did you remember to bake the cookies for Santa?"

Ashton gasped and slapped his hands to his cheeks. "I almost forgot! I'll go make them now!" And he sprinted off to the kitchen.

Luke giggled and looked at Calum. "What was all that?"

Calum leaned in and whispered, "Ashton doesn't know Santa doesn't actually exist. His parents never told him, no ones ever told him and it would just break his heart to find out now so we're gunna keep this a secret for as long as we can. okay?"

Luke was shocked. "Wait, really? Why have they never told him?"

"Told who what?" Ashton asked, coming back into the room.

"Ashton! You're dripping batter on the floor!" Luke jumped up and guided Ashton back to the kitchen. "Want me to help you bake these?"

"Okay!" Ashton said brightly. "Thank you Luke, I hope Santa gives you extra presents this year!"

Luke smiled and took the bowl of batter from Ashton, taking his turn at stirring it as Ashton turned on the oven.

"I hope he gives you extra presents too." Luke said.

Ashton sighed in contentment as he pulled out the cookie sheets. "Santa is the most amazing person I've ever heard of."


"Yeah, to buy all the supplies to make all those presents, to give them out in one night to all the children of the world...he's got to be the most amazing, most wonderful, most magical being on the planet!" Ashton wrapped his arms around himself and smiled and blushed. "He's perfect."

Luke smiled and scooped the now doughy batter onto the cookie sheets. "I bet you're his favorite child."

Ashton gave Luke his award winning smile. "You think so?"

"I know so." Luke laughed, making Ashton giggle.

They put the cookies in the oven and went back to the couch to wait for them to be done.

Calum and Michael had gone to bed already, so they had the room to themselves.

Ashton held Luke's hand as he snuggled against the younger boy. "Merry Christmas Luke."

Luke pressed a kiss to Ashton's hair. "Merry Christmas Ashton."

Slowly, Ashton fell asleep, leaning against Luke.

The timer suddenly went off, startling Luke back awake.

He quickly went to the kitchen and shut it off, hoping Ashton hadn't woken up. He walked back to the living room and sighed in relief when Ashton was still asleep, a pout on his face as his hand roamed around where Luke was. He sat up and yawned. "Lukey?"

Luke grabbed a blanket and threw it over the both of them. He held Ashton close and the older boy fell back asleep instantly, the pout replaced with a smile.

Luke smiled happily. He knew he would never be able to tell Ashton the truth, Ashton was a fallen ray of sunshine and if someone broke his heart, his light would go out.

So Luke knew what he had to do tonight to keep Ashton shining.


Luke was in the middle of sliding a small present into Ashton's stocking, when the boy himself sleepily opened his eyes.

"San'na?" Ashton asked, rubbing his eye.

Luke froze. "Uh...yeah. You're supposed to be asleep."

"I made you cookies." Ashton mumbled, his eyes still half closed.

"I'll be sure to eat them, thank you." Luke smiled.

"You should put extra presents in Luke's stocking, he deserves it." Ashton yawned. "He's my everything, and he deserves the world."

"I'll keep that in mind for next year." Luke bit his lip to keep from breaking out in a blushy smile.

"Okay, thanks." Ashton stood up and stumbled over to Luke. He nearly threw himself at the taller boy, burying his face in Luke's shoulder sleepily. "I really love him."

Luke hugged Ashton. "He really loves you too."

Ashton smiled and closed his eyes. "I knew Santa had to be someone magical and perfect. I knew it had to be you, Luke. You're the most amazing person out there."

"I already filled your stocking, you can stop kissing up." Luke teased. He pulled back and pointed up, where a mistletoe hung above their heads. "You know the rules."

Ashton smiled, fully awake now. He grabbed Luke's cheeks and pulled him in for a heated kiss. "Merry Christmas, love."

"Merry Christmas, sunshine."

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