Bad Influence

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Dedicated to byeslutss for the idea! :D (hope you like it!) ((even if u dont ship larry, u ship larry))


Introducing Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. Two boys who fell in love.

They dated and had the time of their lives together. Eventually they settled down and got married, even had a kid, Ashton Fletcher Stylinson.

He was your typical cutie pie with his curly hair and dimples.

Now enter Luke Hemmings. Your everyday bad boy with his lip piercing and criminal record.

Ashton catches Luke's eye and the two start to hang out more and more, much to the distaste of Ashton's friends and family who think Luke is a bad influence on Ashton.

And maybe Luke is, but if it's true love, what can you do?


"Bye dads!" Ashton called as he ran out the door.

"Bye Ash, be home by ten!" Harry shouted after his son.

"Don't listen to mommy Harry, curfew is midnight!" Louis called and Harry hit him with a pillow. "Louis! I am not the girl!" Harry whined.

Ashton smiled and ran down the driveway, where his friends Calum and Michael were waiting.

"Your dads are awesome." Calum said as they walked to the park.

"Yeah, my curfew is eleven always." Mikey whined. "You're so lucky."

Ashton beamed. "It's nice having them as parents."

They reached the park and sat on the swings.

They played around for a while, until Ashton noticed a group of boys hanging around some bikes. They were wearing black and had tattoos and piercings. And one was looking at him.

"Hey, who are those guys?" Ashton asked. Calum and Michael stopped swinging and looked.

"Don't know, but they don't look friendly." Mikey said.

"Hey, is that blonde one looking at you Ash?" Calum squinted.

"Let's go say hi!" Ashton jumped off his swing.

"What? Ashton no! I get that you're all flower crowns and happiness with your gay parents, but those kids look dangerous!" Michael exclaimed.

Ashton shrugged. "They look like they wanna play with us."

The kids were all looking at them now, and had started walking across the playground to meet Ashton and his friends.

"Hi!" Ashton chirped. "Wanna play with us?"

The blonde smiled. "Sure. What's your name cutie?"

"I'm Ashton. These are my friends, Calum and Mikey." Ashton introduced.

"Hi. These are Zayn, Niall and Liam." The blonde pointed as he spoke. "And I'm Luke."

"Hi Luke! Wanna hang out with us? We can play tag!" Ashton said.

Luke smiled. "Sure. I'll be it."

"Great! Try to catch me!" Ashton laughed and ran away. Luke grinned and chased after him.

Their friends watched them. "Wow, I've never seen Luke so happy before." Zayn said.

"Yeah, he's usually so depressed." Niall put in.

"I think Ashton is raising his spirits. He has that effect on people." Calum said.

Liam nodded in agreement. "He makes me feel like a little kid again."

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