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When Ashton gets sick and Luke takes the day off to take care of him.


Luke woke to the sound of his alarm blaring in his ear. He sleepily raised his hand and punched the clock a few times until it shut off.

He yawned and got up, stretching as he made his way to the shower.

He showered quick, they had a band rehearsal today at nine and his now broken alarm clock had showed eight fifteen in its final moments.

When he was dressed and ready he made his way to Ashton's room, knocking lightly on the door.

He and Ashton lived together and Calum and Mikey lived together across the street.

They could have lived in separate houses but Luke kinda-sorta-maybe had a little crush on Ashton and wanted to be with him. And Calum and Michael didn't want to live alone so they roomed together.

"Ash? You up?" Luke called. "C'mon, we gotta get to rehearsal in half an hour."

He opened the door and flicked on the lights.

"Ashton!" He whined. "You were supposed to be up twenty minutes ago!"

Ashton was still in bed, tangled in the sheets.

"Shut the lights off Lukey, my head hurts." Ashton groaned, rolling over. Luke frowned. "Are you okay? You don't look so good."

"Ugh, no. I feel sick." Ashton buried his face in his pillow. "Make the Earth stop spinning."

Luke rolled Ashton back over and felt his forehead. "Oh, you're burning up! I'll get the thermometer, if it's over 101 we'll stay home from practice."

"We?" Ashton frowned, struggling to sit up.

Luke gently laid him back down. "Yes, we. I'm staying behind to take care of you."

Ashton shook his head. "N-no, you don't have too. I'm fine."

Luke ruffled Ashton's hair, making the sick boy relax and smile a little. "I'm staying. Now lay down and I'll be right back."

Ashton flopped back onto the pillow. "Fine."

Luke went to the bathroom, getting the thermometer from the medicine cabinet.

He turned it on and walked back to Ashton's room.

"Here." Luke handed it to him. "Put it under your tongue."

"I know how to do it." Ashton took the thermometer and placed it in his mouth. A second later it beeped ad Ashton pulled it out. Luke took it from him.

"Tell it to me straight Lukey, am I going to die?" Ashton asked, throwing his arm over his eyes.

"Sadly, no. You have minor symptoms of death, but those will clear up under my amazing doctor skills." Luke declared. "Now prepare yourself for the surgery."

Ashton laughed as Luke sat on top of him and tickled his sides. "I'd rather die! G-get off me!" Luke laughed at Ashton's laugh. It was contagious. "Alright fine. You stay in bed and I'll get you some breakfast." He slid off and Ashton smiled at him innocently from the bed.

Luke made his way down to the kitchen and made some dry toast with orange juice and soup.

Ashton met him at the top of the stairs.

"Hey! Get back in bed now!" Luke exclaimed, giving him a little push.

"But the bed is boring!" Ashton sulked as he flopped back onto the bed.

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