Chapter 33 "Bar Talk"

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Friday 3:00 PM

"In AJ Styles' House"

AJ was still in the backyard smocking while Alexa stayed in the living room.

There was a knock at the door so Alexa went to open.

"Good morning!" Said the woman that was knocking at the door.

"Good morning." Alexa said.

"My name is Naomi, I am your neighbour, I live in the house right next to yours. I want to invite you to a sleepover at my place tonight, you will have so much fun and meet some new friends." Naomi said.

"I will see if I can come." Alexa said.

"Please come!! We will have so much fun." Naomi said.

"Ok, I promise I will try." Alexa said.

"Great!! See ya tonight!" Naomi said.

Alexa wanted to tell AJ but she decided to tell him at night after he calms down

Meanwhile, AJ received a call so he answered.

Karl: Hey, brother!

AJ: Hey.

Karl: How are you doing now?

AJ: Fine.

Karl: I believe you are free tonight so why don't we go out to have a talk?

AJ: I will be in the bar that you took me from last night, if you wanna talk, you will find me there.

Karl: ok, fine!

AJ ended the call.

"In Dean and Renee's House."

After announcing Charlotte's pregnancy, Roman told the boys that he will have a little party in his house tomorrow night with all their friends and family.

Dean, Renee and Seth went back to their house and told Roman that they will come few hours before the party to help him and Charlotte with the decorations.

After an hour, Dr. Samoa Joe arrived at the house for Seth's rehabbing session. Dean took him to Seth's room and he left them.

"Good morning, Dr. Seth." Joe said.

"Hey, Joe! How you doing? And how is the hospital?" Seth said.

"I am doing well and the hospital is doing well too but really missing you." Joe said.

"I really miss the hospital so much. Trying to get used to my life without my work in the hospital but it's really hard." Seth said.

"You don't have to get used to it, you will get back on your feet soon and return back to the hospital." Joe said.

"Come on, Joe! You don't have to lie to me, we are both doctors so it's fine if you told me that there is no hope. I feel like we are wasting our time with this rehabbing thing." Seth said.

"You have got to be more optimistic to get through this all. As long as you have no hope, you will never get through it." Joe said.

"I am trying." Seth said.

"Let's start." Joe said and he started moving Seth's legs up and down then he asked him to try to move them put it was so hard.

After half an hour of rehabbing, there was not much progress but Joe kept giving Seth hope.

"I want you to try to move your legs all the time. Keep trying and don't be disappointed if you couldn't do it....just keep trying." Joe said.

After Joe left, Dean came in.

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