Chapter 7 "Life Lesson"

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"In Dean's House"

Seth has just got up and went to wash his face.
He then returned back to his bed and sat down.

His back started to hurt him so he opened the drawer to take his medicine but he couldn't find it.

Roman came into the room and closed the door behind him.

"Are you looking for this?" Roman said taking out the pills from his pocket.

"Roman, please! Give it to me, I will be late to work." Seth said and looked in pain.

"No! Enough, Seth! This is not the solution!! You can't take this your whole life! You have to see a doctor." Roman said angrily.

"Roman!! I said it a thousand times, I am not going to see a doctor!! I am fine! I am good!" Seth said and tried to pull the pills out of Roman's hand but failed.

"And you will just coexist with your pain. What if it's something serious?" Roman asked.

There was a pause.

"I will be fine!" Seth said and took the pills from Roman then he left.

Roman was so upset of Seth's stubbornness.

"In AJ Styles' House"

"You literally exposed yourself to the whole world yesterday. You kept shouting that you are the queen of the fairy land." AJ said and he and Alexa laughed.

"Ohh my god!! That thing I drank yesterday was so dangerous." Alexa said.

"It's because you didn't listen to me, I told you not to drink it but you insisted to do it behind my back." AK said.

"It's just curiosity. I am so sorry, Babe! I promise I will listen to everything you ask me to do." Alexa said.

"Okai then, apology accept and I hope you will keep your promise. I have to go now." AJ said and got up to leave for his work.

"Take care of youself." Alexa said and they said goodbye then AJ left.

"In the Mall"

Paige and her friend Mandy were doing some shopping as Mandy wanted to buy some new clothes for her new job.

"Daniel Bryan!! You are going to work for Daniel Bryan!! He is an intelligent lawyer! He is the one who solved all my problems with Corbin!" Paige said excitedly.

"Yes I will! He saw my C.V and accepted me in his office. I am going to learn a lot from him and maybe one day I will become a very big lawyer and will have my own office." Mandy said.

"This is awesome!! I am so happy for you, Mandy. You really deserve it." Paige said.

"Ohhh Paige! Thank you." Mandy said.

"You know what, Mandy? I have always dreamed of having a successful career. I was always one of the top students in high school and everyone expected that I am going to have a great future, a nice job, a successful career. But like an idiot, I went to marry that jerk Baron Corbin instead of going to collage. Here I am now, working as a waitress in a restaurant." Paige said mocking herself.

"You already know I had a similar experience, I too had to leave collage in the past to work as a waitress to earn money to help my family. But I have never given up! I went back to chasing my dream and joined the collage and here I am, graduated and will have a good job." Mandy said.

"I am so proud of you." Paige said.

"It's not too late for you to be proud of yourself too. Youare still young, you still have a huge future and tou still can do it!" Mandy said.

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