Chapter 47 "Farewell"

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"In The Hospital"

Sasha was still by her mother's side. Her mother was still in a comma.

That morning, The mother finally woke up but looked tired.

"Mom!! Thank god you woke up! I am so sorry, mom!" Sasha said with tears.

"What happened?" The mother asked in tired voice.

"You were in a very bad condition....You needed a heart surgery so me and Seth came quickly and Seth did your surgery himself and saved your life.....I thought I lost's all because of me....I am sorry!! Please forgive me." Sasha said while crying and she leaned her head on her mother's shoulder.

"I am not mad at you, honey! I can't stay mad at you, you are all I have in this world." The mother said while patting on Sasha's head.

"And you are the most important thing to me in my life. I will not marry Seth, mom! I just want you to get better." Sasha said.

"Where is he now?" The mother asked.

Sasha showed her mother the last message that Seth has sent to her.

"He feels so sorry and blames himself for everything...." Sasha said.

"Did he really hurt his back more while doing my surgery?" The mother asked.

"I think he did." Sasha said.

There was a pause as the mother looked back at the message.

"I want to see him." The mother said.

"Ok, I will call him." Sasha said and she called him and put it on speaker.

"In the Street"

Seth was getting a ride from Roman when his phone started rigning.

Seth: Hello.

Sasha: Hii, Seth! How are you doing?

Seth: Fine. "he sounded so disparate"

Sasha: I read your text and.....

Seth: Let's not talk about that now. How is your mother now?

Sasha: She is fine, she woke up and she actually asked me to call you because she wants to see you.

Seth: I was coming anyway to check on her, I am on my way.

Sasha: Ok, bye for now.

Seth ended the call.

"How is her mother?" Roman asked.

"She woke up, looks like she is getting better and she wants to see me too so I don't know what should I expect." Seth said.

"She probably wants to thank you." Roman said.

"Or scolds me because I tried to marry her daughter without her approval." Seth said.

"That could be right too." Roman said.

Seth's phone started ringing again but this time it was Noam Dar.

Seth: Hey, Dar.

Noam: Where have you been, mate?! We need to sit down and put the plan together, we don't have much time.

Seth: I know, I know, I just got busy in some stuff but I will come tonight.

Noam: at 7!! Don't be late for god's sake, things are so tense between AJ and Adam...They were about to fight last night.

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