Chapter 18 "The Shock"

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"In the forest"

Adam and AJ has left the mountain at night and went straight to the forest. They started walking through the forest.

"We have been walking for a long time now!! Where are we going and when will we arrive?!" AJ asked.

"We have been walking for a long time because you are walking so slowly." Adam said.

"I can barley walk!! My leg is injured as you can see!!" AJ said.

"My gosh! Can't you stop complaining for a second!! We are almost there." Adam said.

"I am not complaining....I am in pain, I am bleeding and you are making me walk and you still mock me for being slow!!" AJ said.

"Shhh, Shhhh!!!" Adam said and he stopped so AJ stopped too.

They both stopped in front of an old hoise in the middle of the forest.

"That's it?" AJ asked.

"Shhh!!! Stay quiet!!" Adam whispered.

"What is going on?" AJ whispered.

"Listen, you stay here behind this tree...and I will go check if there is anyone in the house, ok? Don't make any sound." Adam whispered.

"Ok." AJ said and he stayed behind the tree.

Adam slowly approached the house and looked through the window then he turned back to the door and slowly knocked on the door.

Someone opened the door as AJ was watching from behind the tree.

"Hello, buddy!!" Adam said to the guy who opened the door who was his best friend Rodrick Strong.

Rodrick was in prison because he didn't tell the king where was Adam hiding and after the king caught Adam and thought he killed him, he set Rodrick free so Rodrick went straight to the house that he and Adam used to hide in.

"Adam?!! You are alive!" Rodrick said and looked so happy and hugged Adam.

"You thought I would die?" Adam said.

"I was so shocked when they announced your death!! But part of me said you were still alive so I came here waiting for you." Rodrick said.

"Don't worry about me! You know I always find a way out of troubles." Adam said.

"That's my brother!!" Rodrick said and they laughed.

"Hello!! Can I come in now?! I am still here and I am in pain!!" AJ called from outside.

"Ohhh shit! I almost forgot him!" Adam said to Rodrick and went to help AJ.

Adam helped AJ to get into the house and Rodrick followed them in and closed the door.

"Who is he?" Rodrick asked Adam.

"This, my friend, is the human guy AJ Styles." Adam said.

"The human!! So that guy is the reason for the whole chaos in the fairy land?" Rodrick said.

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