Chapter 6 "Thursday Night"

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"In The Bank"

"You want two more days off?! Really?!! You didn't come yesterday with no permission to be absent and now you come to me to ask for more days off?!" Randy shouted at Johnny.

"But, my wife is so ill! I had to take her to hospital yesterday and stay with her.....I couldn't come to work. I just need two days off to stay with her.....she is in the hospital alone and I have to be there with her." Johnny said.

"You have already taken a lot of days off this month. I can't give you more days. If you don't have time to work then you can just quit." Randy said.

Johnny had tears in his eyes as he can't go stay with his wife so at this moment, AJ interfered.

"What is your problem?! His wife is in the hospital and she needs him!!" AJ said to Randy angrily then he turned to Johnny.

"Go to your wife, Johnny!! Just listen to me." AJ said so Johnny left.

"Nice! You are now giving orders......not only orders you also reject loans too. Come with me, we need to talk." Randy said and entered his office, AJ followed him.

"What happened yesterday between you and Mr. Cody Rhodes." Randy asked.

"I rejected his loan and kicked him out of the bank." AJ said.

"How dare you?!! Don't you know how important is that man!!!" Randy said angrily.

"I know one thing after seeing his project paper, he is a thief." AJ said.

"He is not a thief!! He is a business man." Randy said.

"Are you afraid of him? Have he threatened you?" AJ asked.

There was a pause.

"He is going to hurt me." Randy said.

"He sent someone after me yesterday too." AJ said.

"See!! He can hurt us! We have to give him that loan!" Randy said.

"Not going to happen. We will tell the police." AJ said.

"What are we going to say to the police, smartass!! Cody Rhodes wants to kill us?! Where are our evidences?!" Randy said.

"I have this." AJ said taking out a paper.

"What is that?" Randy asked.

"A paper from his file. This paper says that he owns a piece of land that is already taken by someone else. This paper can put him in prison for not less than 10 years." AJ said.

"Are you sure about that?" Randy said.

"Of course! We have got to do that and right now!" AJ said.

Randy agreed and he and AJ went to the police station.

"In The Hospital"

"Go check those patients and tell me if they are still feeling any kind of pain." Seth said to Punk.

"Ok." Punk said.

"But first go to Joe and tell him that I want him to do the next surgery instead of me." Seth said as he looked exhausted.

"Are you going to leave?" Punk asked.

"Yes! I feel tired and that surgery is very sensitive. I can't do it while I am not focused. Joe can handle it and you will help him." Seth said.

"Maybe you should get some time off. I mean I am here to take your place while you are on a holiday to rest." Punk said.

"I don't need a holiday! I never asked for your suggestions so go back to your work!" Seth said angrily.

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