Chapter 24 "Like Good Old Days"

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2 months have passed and to sum up everything that happened:

Roman and Charlotte's house was ready and they are about to move.

Sasha and Seth were still on a break, they haven't talked to each others, they sometimes see each others in the hospital but never stopped to talk.

Sasha has been so confused during those two months, Ethan was calling her everyday and she felt good about him. Even though she has tried many times to call Seth to see how he was doing, she never really did because something insides her keeps telling her to take more time to think.

On the other hand, Seth was still dealing with his back problem, he has become an addict to pain killer pills now that he can't spend a day without having minimum of 2 pills. He and Becky's friendship was growing day after day as the were literally talking to each others everyday and spending a lot of time together. They became best friends.

Sami confessed to Kevin that Baron is going after Paige which was the reason why Paige was trying to stay away from Kevin so Kevin and Sami were both trying to figure out a way to stop Baron Corbin.

On the fairy land;

Alexa's now 4 month pregnant, Nia was taking good care of her. Aleister Black was always there for Alexa, he was doing everything he can so she can give him a chance but Alexa was still rejecting, she promisied him that she would try to change her opinion after the birth of her child.

AJ Styles continued his training with Shyna, he was getting better but he still wasn't good enough, he always gets knocked down in his fights with Shyna.



"In The Palace"

Alexa and Nia were in the palace's garden, having some fresh air.

"My queen!! What is taking up your mind?" Nia asked as Alexa looked distracted and deeply thinking.

"Nothing. Feeling down for some reason." Alexa said.

"I guess pregnancy can make you feel down sometimes." Nia said.

"Nothing feels good anymore, Nia! I am happy that I am having a kid and all but, there is something missing." Alexa said.

"Something like what? Food, right?! I will ask them to prepare us some food." Nia said.

"No, not food!! It's just that I......I need AJ now so much." Alexa said.

"Not again. You shouldn't think about things that makes you sad! It's not good for your baby. AJ wouldn't want you to be sad now too." Nia said.

"I can't help but think about him. I miss him so freaking much!" Alexa said.

"That's because you don't want to listen to me. I told you give Aleister a chance, he really is going to help you get through all of that. He is so nice and cute and he seems to care so much about you." Nia said.

"I am trying but....there is something stopping me." Alexa said.

"Come on!!! The guy is literally begging you for a chance. Why not try?" Nia said.

"Rhia morning, he asked to have dinner with me tomorrow night. I told him I need time to think." Alexa said.

"That's a great chance!! You have to accept! Nia said.

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