Chapter 22 "Confrontation"

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"In The Hospital"

Seth was getting ready to leave the hospital, he was still upset of the arguments happened between him and Roman earlier that day and also upset because Ethan was in the hospital and wanted to meet Sasha.

Seth decided to go to Sasha to put an end to the conflicts between the two of them.

He went to her and she was getting ready to leave too.

"Have you finished your work?" Seth asked.

"Yes." Sasha said.

"We need to talk." Seth said.

"Let's make it another day, maybe! A friend is waiting for me and I have to go now." Sasha said.

"It's your neighbour, isn't it?!" Seth asked.

"What are you saying?" Sasha said.

"He was here an hour ago and wanted to see you." Seth said.

"I don't know what are you talking about." Sasha said and wanted to leave.

"Enough!! Enough lying!! I am not a foul! We need to talk and we need to talk NOW!!" Seth said angrily.

"Ok, fine." Sasha said as she noticed how angry Seth was.

They both left the hospital and went to a cafe nearby to talk.



In The Palace"

"He really said that?" Nia asked Alexa.

"I was shocked too....I mean it was so obvious that he likes me but I never thought he would say it to me!" Alexa said.

"And what did you say to him?" Nia said.

"I didn't say anything, I didn't know what to say....but then he said he will let me take my time to think." Alexa said.

"And how are you feeling about him?" Nia asked.

"I really don't know, I wasn't thinking about getting in any kind of releationships especially now!! I still can't get over AJ, and I am expecting a baby in few months so I don't know if I am ready." Alexa said.

"You may not be ready but you what do you think of him?" Nia said.

"Aliester is a gentleman, he is so nice, he has been so nice to me since what happened to AJ. I don't know....but I am really not ready." Alexa said.

"Maybe if you gave yourself a chance with Aliester, it would help you get over AJ. I know there is no other man like AJ for you but you have to get over him, he is no longer here with us so give yourself a chance. Especially with a guy like Black, he is so good." Nia said.

"I need time to think." Alexa said.

"In Finn's Room"

Finn was sitting in the big balcony of his bedroom, having some coffee while checking some papers.

Ronda came into the balcony and sat in front of him.

"Do you have some time to talk?" Ronda asked.

"Sure, I always have time for you." Finn said leaving the papers on the table.

"I want to ask a question, not about me but I want to know." Ronda said.

"Go on." Finn said.

"Are you going to hurt Alexa or her baby?" Ronda said.

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