Chapter 20 "Dark Past"

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"In The Palace"

Ronda and Nia were both in Alexa's room congratulating Alexa for the pregnancy.

"You will be the most beautiful and amazing mother in the world." Nia said.

"Thank you!!" Alexa said excitedly.

"Your true love to AJ will never die now, you will have a piece of him with you forever. I am so happy for you." Ronda said.

"I can't describe my happiness!! I am so blessed. The only thing I am missing right now is AJ, I really wanted to see how he would react to that news....I know he would have been extremely happy." Alexa said in sad voice.

"I know he can see you now and he is happy." Ronda said and hugged Alexa.

"How are we going to celebrate? I am going to ask the cook to make us a cake!! Choclate cake!!" Nia said and looked so hungry so they laughed at her.

"We need to think about a name for the kid." Ronda said.

"I have already decided the kid will be named after AJ." Alexa said.

"That was quick....but nice! He or she are going to be the most beautiful kid." Ronda said.


"In Dean's House"

Dean and Seth were in the living room. Dean was holding his daughter, feeding her while Seth was on his phone and both were not talking.

Dean was looking at Seth from time to time waiting for him to start any conversation which never happened.

He threw a pillow at Seth to have his attention.

"What do you want?" Seth said leaving his phone.

"I want to know why?" Dean said.

"Why what?" Seth said.

"Why are you so silent!! Say something!! I am bored and even Olivia left me and slept." Dean said.

"What would I say?" Seth said.

"Probably tell me what is changing your mood?" Dean said.

Seth thought for few seconds.

"Listen, I will tell you but don't mock me, alright?" Seth said.

"Dude, come on!! I never mock you!" Dean said.

"You do all the time." Seth said.

"Ok, I promise I will try not tell me." Dean said.

"There is a guy that is trying to get closer to Sasha, he is her neighbour, he is handsome and he has a nice car and he looks quite rich. I am kinda afraid that Sasha might get attracted to him somehow especially because he is showinh her so much care." Seth said.

"Do you think he is better than you?" Dean said.

"I didn't say that!" Seth said.

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