Chapter 49 "Announcing the fight"

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It was dark and cold in the fairy land, the atmosphere was so depressing. People of the land looked miserable. Most of the people were talking about the king's plan to invade the human's land but no one seemed so interested in anything about the king.

"Wow! A lot has changed in 10 years, the fairy land never looked worse." Dar said.

"I agree." Seth said.

"Welcome to Finn Balor's fairy land! This is what a land with a greedy king looks like." Ronda said.

"People looks so desperate." Alexa said.

"The day Finn decided to invade the human's land, he stopped caring about the people and only cared about his army." Ronda said.

"We better move quickly....we don't want to waste time." Adam said.

"Ok, so we separate to two groups now." Ronda said.

Alexa turned to AJ with tears in her eyes.

"If you don't want to do it, let's go back." Alexa said.

"I think it's kinda too late to say that." AJ said with a weak smile.

"I am serious! Let's go back!" Alexa said.

"No, no, we are not going back without our son." AJ said.

"I don't want you to get hurt." Alexa said.

"Don't worry about me, just go get our son and please, promise me that once you get to our son, you will take him and go straight back to the human's land, don't wait for me, I will be fine." AJ said.

"No, I can't leave you and......" Alexa said but AJ cut her off.

"Please!! Promise me, please do what I am telling you to do." AJ said holding her hands.

Alexa nodded and she hugged AJ while still crying. AJ hugged back and started to have tears too but he holded them back as he didn't want Alexa to feel bad.

"Come on!!! We can do it." AJ said.

"Take care of yourself." Alexa said so AJ nodded.

Alexa stepped back and went to Adam and Dar.

"You ready to go?" Dar asked Alexa.

"Yes, let's go." Alexa said and they waved to Ronda, AJ and Seth and left to the palace.

"Let's move." Ronda said so AJ and Seth followed her.

They were covering their faces and walking between the people of the land until they reached to a very huge, old building in the middle of the land, that was the big arena. It looked like the ancient roman arenas.

Ronda, Seth and AJ stood in front of the arena.

AJ had that kind of fear and worry.

"It's a little intimidating, right?" Seth said.

"Not really." AJ said.

"You ready?" Ronda said.

"Yep!" AJ said showing confidence.

"You will go in alone, go up to the very top where the big bell is, ring that bell and everyone will start to gather in the arena, me and Seth will get lost in the crowed and when you ring the bell, we will walk into the arena with the crowed." Ronda said.

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