•Eyes On You•

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Jungkook got disturbed by a cold breeze making him chiver. He grabbed the cloth that is around him and was about to go back to sleep when he realized that he had a blanket with him.

He sit up and thinks.

"Did I took a blanket back home?" He asked himself and thinks "But I didn't went home last night." He scratched the side of his head because of confusion.

But then a amile slowly carved up to his lips when he thought about Chaeyoung.

"Maybe she provided this for me." He blushed "Chaeyoung-ah.." he whispers as if Chaeyoung could hear him. He look up to the stairs "Thank you." He smiled.

He close his eyes to go back to sleep, smiling. But thinking about her caring for him just makes his body not sleepy and it gave him more courage that this relationship would not end.

7:30 am, Chaeyoung woke up because of a delicious smell coming downstairs. She went out of her room to see who's cooking and to her surprise it was Jungkook. She wanted to smile but she needs to hide it from him.

"Oh? Babe... I mean Chaeyoung." He quickly corrects himself because Chaeyoung might still be mad at him "I-I made breakfast for you." He stutters nervously.

Chaeyoung just gave him a quick nod. She went down to the table where he serves all the food that he cooks. As she finally sits in the chair, she can see Jungkook's back moving as he is cooking.

Something is just missing this morning and she knows that it's his embrace and morning kisses.

Her smile appears thinking about the warmest embrace he gives to her every morning.

He turn to her making her make a straight and calm face as if he doesn't affect her, he look so cute in her avocado apron.

His morning face is so charming and she wants to pinch it so bad.

"I made fresh mango juice and pasta for you." His smile that he gives to her while serving the food just melts her heart.

"Thank you." She formally said making Jungkook look disappointed.

"Please don't get formal to me." He said making a pouty face and went to the fridge.

She couldn't hide her sweet chuckles seeing him whine to a small thing. Thinking about it just make her smile and she can't stop it.

Chaeyoung is still smiling as she munches the food, while Jungkook is busy looking for the milk in the fridge. He turn around with the milk and he caught her smiling and it's so cute.

As Chaeyoung notices him walking back to the table she quickly stopped smiling making her embarrassed.

"You're cute." He said as he stare at her face "As always." He added.

Chaeyoung couldn't help those butterflies in her stomach dancing. He never failed on making her feel this way.

Their seats are facing each other. Jungkook is eating and Chaeyoung just finished. He puts the spoon slowly not wanting to disturb him from eating.

She couldn't help but to look at him lovingly.

"How's you're sleep?" Jungkook asked, she quickly looked away.

"It's okay." She shortly answered. "How's your sleep." She asked back.

"It was nice." He smiled looking at her, she don't want to look at him in the eyes so she just looks at his plate.

She just nodded.

"Chaeyoung-ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" Lisa came in as she screams her name spreading her arms wide for a hug.

"Lisa?" Chaeyoung said.

"Have you heard the news?" Lisa said placing herself infront of them. But before spilling some tea she took a plate from the cabinets and took a large portion of pasta.

"Hey I cooked that for Chaeyoung." Jungkook whined as if he could stop her.

"Sorry Kook. I'm hungry." She said and puts a spoonful of pasta to her mouth.

"It's okay." Chaeyoung said to Jungkook.

"You really did good with this, are you sure you cooked this?" She look at Jungkook not trusting him, Jungkook just give her a threatening gaze.

"So what's the news?" Chaeyoung said wanting to know what she came her for.

"Wait....." she said getting up to get some glass, she poured the milk to the glass making Jungkook look at her unbelievably.

"I also prepared that for her. Lisa!!" Jungkook couldn't help but to growl to Lisa's stubbornness.

"I'm.....cho-chocking sorry." She said holding her chest and gulping the milk down to her throat.

She let out a satisfied sighed and smiled holding her stomach.

She is making the news so thrilling.

"You really did good on that pasta, Kook." Lisa complements giving him a thumbs up.

"So what's the news? Your making me wait." Chaeyoung chuckled to Lisa.

"Do you know Yeri?" Because of that, Jungkook and Chaeyoung looked at each other.

Jungkook gulped.

"Yeah, what about her?" Chaeyoung said and Jungkook went silent.

"I heard she ran aways from her home." Lisa started making Jungkook and Chaeyoung become interested, they both lean forward to listen to her "Her dad was looking for her for weeks. I also heard she have medicines to take because she's some sort of crazy." Chaeyoung's forehead knotted in confuse.

"What do you mean crazy?" Chaeyoung couldn't help but to ask.

"Literally crazy. People said that she have her own nurses and doctors to take care of her. And this is the most interesting part....." she said as if drums are rolling as she spills the word.

Chaeyoung and Jungkook are both listening to her. Lisa look at Chaeyoung then to Jungkook.

"She was seen in the park last night and taken back to her home, I heard she was shouting and screaming as they took her inside the ambulance." Lisa said and sighed "She was really scary." Lisa was shaking her head in disbelief.

Chaeyoung look at Jungkook, the madness that she have for the girl disappeared hearing about her situation. They both don't have an idea about Yeri's background and they are really surprised about the news.

Jungkook was shocked, a crazy girl came stalking him and was wrecking their relationship and that is so traumatizing for him.

He look to Chaeyoung who is already looking at him, he can see the worry in her eyes after hearing Lisa. Chaeyoung is kind hearted person, she is soft and cares a lot of other people.

To be continued.....



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