40. Detention - Anxceitmus

Start from the beginning

"Y-yeah.." Virgil gasped, rolling his head onto Janus' shoulder and batting his eyelashes at Remus. "You two can get me out of detention now, right? Let's go home." Virgil attempted to move, yelping when Janus moved and slammed him against the table, scattering supplies to the floor. "F-fuck Jan..." He stammered, eyes closing as he felt a hand grasp at his crotch. "Not that easily baby.." Remus smirked, leaning over Janus' shoulder. "I think you owe us something first..."
"Y-yes Mr Martin.." Virgil propped himself up on his elbows, wrapping his legs around Janus' waist as he looked to Remus. "Shh baby, just call me Sir.." He cupped his face, leaning down and kissing him passionately as Janus ground his hips against his clothed crotch, hands grasping desperately at his joggers to gain access.

Virgil could barely contain a gasp as he felt Remus' cold hands duck under his shirt, fingers teasing at his nipples whilst Janus pulled on a thread, ripping a hole into Virgil's trousers with ease. He whined, pulling back from Remus' kiss to glare at Janus. "I'll get you new ones." He muttered, pushing Virgil's underwear to the side and exposing his wet cunt to the coldness of the air. He shuddered, hands gripping the edge of the desk. "You know Jan, I kinda want to hear him scream our names, push him up against the wall and see how loud he can get."

"You know that's too big of a risk Remus." Janus hummed, turning and connecting their lips. "A man can dream~" He laughed, kissing along Janus' jawline, and for a moment, the two were lost in each other before Virgil whimpered, letting out a breathy pant. "Shhh patience." Janus turned back to him, bringing his hand down and spanking Virgil's ass.
Virgil let out a moan at that, legs tightening around Janus's body as he felt two fingers gently run along his small cock, teasingly pressing into his cunt. "P-please Jan... Sir.. I want you two-" He whispered, reaching one arm up to bring Remus into another kiss. "Please." He begged once more, lips barely moving from Remus'. "We're gonna get caught." Janus groaned, but regardless he pulled his cock out of his trousers, as he withdrew his hand from teasing Virgil.

"Wait! You-" Janus waved the condom around in his hand. "10 steps ahead baby." Virgil relaxed once more, reaching for Remus' neck and dragging him down into a passionate kiss, gasping as he felt Janus line up to him. "Such a good boy." Remus purred as he crawled onto the desk, straddling Virgil's chest as he pet his cheek. "Isn't he Jan?" He cranked his neck in an attempt to see his other boyfriend that had slowly pushed himself in, hands and eyes focused on Virgil's small cock that he thumbed over delicately. "Yeah- yeah our good boy." He muttered, looking up briefly and flashing a smirk towards the two.

Virgil let out breathy gasps, chest heaving slightly under Remus as he lulled his tongue out. "Such a good boy." Remus drawled out, sliding his cock out from his trousers and shuffling the fabric to his knees before pressing into Virgil's open mouth. He quickly closed his mouth around his boyfriend's cock, running his tongue along the underside as Janus slowly started thrusting into Virgil who bucked his hips back in response. Remus fluttered his eyes shut, hands moving to grasp Virgil's hair before tugging, earning a muffled moan from Virgil and sending vibrations through him. "Fuck..."

Janus groaned slightly, grasping Virgil's hips firmly as he sped up and started to pound into Virgil, biting his bottom lip to refrain from being too loud.
"You feel so good baby..." Janus mumbled, dropping his head to rest against Remus's back slightly. A muffled "Thank you Daddy" came from Virgil as his hips thrust harder against Janus' hold on him. He placed his hands on Remus' hips, pulling the fabric of his shirt closer and in turn, shoving Remus' dick further down his throat. His nose pressed to his unkempt pubic hair with quiet moans and pleads barely leaving his mouth, god was he in ecstasy.

He tightened his grip slightly on Remus in an attempt to warn him that he was close before his body went slack, shuddering as he felt Janus thrust harder, pressing perfectly against his G-spot. And all too soon he was cumming, eyes rolling back into his head as tears streaked down his cheeks as Remus tugged harsher on his hair. "Fuck, Jan look at our baby boy, he cums so prettily for us." Remus grunted, turning his gaze to his other boyfriend that was clutching the desk so hard that the wood started to splinter. "I know- god.. he feels so good."

Virgil shuddered, hands falling to the desk as his fingers curled around the edge of the desk. "Si...fuc..." He groaned as he felt Remus shift and press further down his throat, giving his hips a few quick thrusts before pressing Virgil as close as possible. "Fuck fuck fuck.." Remus growled out, hands tightening in Virgil's hair as he came down his throat. Janus wasn't far behind, his thrusts slowly faltering and becoming sloppier as he came, dropping his head down to press against Virgil's stomach.

The two pulled out of their overstimulated boyfriend and the room filled with heavy pants as they collected themselves. "I think our baby deserves out of detention now, doesn't he 'mus?" Janus smirked, throwing the condom in the bin and grabbing tissues to wipe himself up before helping Remus off the desk and cleaning him too. "Oh definitely! And I can't wait to get home with him either~" Remus purred, tilting Janus' head to look at Virgil as his hips bucked up in response. "Seems like he agrees." Janus chuckled, passing some tissues to Remus as they worked on cleaning Virgil up and looking after him before dressing him as well as they could with his torn trousers and stretched panties.

"Thank you...but I'm still salty about my trousers.." Virgil muttered, leaning against Remus. "Let's get home." Remus laughed.
"As long as I'm cooking." Janus chuckled, scooping the messed up papers from the floor and tucking them into his bag.
"Don't give me that, you almost burnt the kitchen down and you almost your arm off."
"That's what you get for dating a chemistry professor~"

thanks y'all for sticking around even though I may have disappeared for a couple eons, just glad to be writing at my own pace now
Stay safe y'all
— Alex

Requested by: @Xx_Reaper_xX5
Word Count: 1800 words

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