The Champions of Alma (Arrangement)

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Frantic and disgruntled murmurs arose and echoed through the crude and dilapidated ceiling. Fuming and hysterical suggestions were traded and presented between the voices of fear and anger. None doubted the words of the three. The girls were the most trusted of the tribe. They're word was almost always final; after all, they did make up most of the five council.

"How did they find us?" a booming voice cracked in the distance, making the rest of the people ponder the same thing.

"They didn't," a louder voice snapped, frustrated with the confusion and chaos, "They found the island, not us. We're still under wraps." Subtle sighs of relief sifted through the crowd, but the stress was far from over.

"Colleen is right," a softer voice confirmed, "They have built housing only along the coast. They have no idea we're here."

"Then why have they come here?" another person asked. The reasonable voice only looked down in response, staring down at the long, makeshift, worn podium used to separate the council from the rest of the tribe.

"Probably just to turn it into another crappy tourist retreat," Colleen sneered with malevolence.

"Just like what they did to Hawaii," a man of the council suggested. Distressed murmurs of agreement were now voiced into the already tense atmosphere.

"Tyrii, please," the calm one stated placidly, although she didn't disagree, "That's the last thing I'm letting happen."

"Well what exactly do you propose we do, Artemis?" Tyrii replied maliciously. Artemis only returned his sneer with a stone-cold stare, making him soon lament his words.

"Ambush them and run them out!" a voice recommended.

"Then they'd know we were here," Artemis remarked bitterly.

"We'll kill the bastards then," Tyrii snapped, making Miro, the second man of the council, snarl.

"We have tourists about to take our homeland, the last thing we need is to throw war and bloodshed into the mix!" he roared. Multiple suggestions much like the first were presented afterwards, but were all too vague and implausible. Arguments and mutters continued to pursue until Colleen brought two strong fists down on the podium as if she had discovered the cure for brain rot.

"I say we burn it," she stated stiffly. Her voice displayed so sign of joking or teasing, only hostility. Normally, the tribe did not resort to unnecessary violence or extreme measures, but they found promise in Colleen's proposal.

"You know," Artemis, the most practical of the three, retorted, "that's not such a bad idea." After that, everyone's attention was directed to Akane, the last of the three and the council. She was the voice of reason. Every proposition that had the slightest trace of suggestive moral or spirituality must be filtered through her. Mercy and reasonability normally radiated off of her small yet powerful frame, but now, she was not feeling that lenient.

"What do you think Akane?" Colleen asked tentatively. Akane's once ecstatic, juvenile face was now frozen with malice and abhorrence.

"Burn it," was her only answer.

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