Chapter Forty Two: it looks like your waking up..

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Robins point of view

"What happened to the lights?"

Suddenly I see a blue light in front of me. Much like... "Jem?"

A portal appears and Jack comes running through, "what happened to the lights?", he asks just like I did moments ago.

"that's exactly what I just said", I say with a laugh.

Jem then comes though and closes the portal behind her, "it's not just the lights... it's all the power".

"that's explains why my mask fritzed out...", I say pointing to my mask on the ground.

"yep...", Jack said looking distracted.

"Jacks you ok? Jem told me she couldn't find you for a while..." I ask as I walk over to him and putting my hand in his shoulder.

He pushes my hand away "I'm fine...".

Me and Jem share a concerned look.

"oook...", I say turning back to look at Jack.

"I see the super geeks are here", we hear a voice combing from behind us... we all turn around to see who it was.

"EverFear!", I say with a stern look.

EF was leaning on the side of the police building with his arms crossed. Huffing like he was out of breath.

"At least you get my name right!...", he says with a smirk.

"what are you doing here?" I ask walking over to where he was standing.

"I just ran a bit do you mind giving me a min...", he said moving his position so he was resting his head on the wall.

A minute passes...

"right thanks for that..." he says straightening his posture and walking away from the wall. His eyes turn black with swirls of silver in them.

Suddenly, what feels like a wave hits me... a wave of fear... "Finn?".

"what are doing?" I hear Jacks says, he's breathing heavy like he's experiencing the same felling I am.

Jem looks pale, like really pale... "I can't breath...", she says before falling on her knees.

"Jemy!" Jacks says running over to hear and kneeling in the ground next to her.

I raise my hand out in front of me "please stop... Finn... please..." I beg.

His eyes turn back to normal "Ro..." he starts to say before he's pushed back by wind and falls to the ground unconscious.

Everyone relaxes

I fall to my knees.

"What was that Ro?", Jack says standing up and helping Jem up.

"I don't know.... it's the secong time it's happened today...", I say looking at the police station.

"we can worry about that later... I'm going to see if Finn is ok...", Jem says walking over to wear Finn was laying.

"be carful", Jack shouted after her as he walks over to me and helps me up.

Jem turns around and smirks at Jack, "don't worry I'm always careful... plus I have date after all this don't want to risk missing that".

"ha", Jack scoffed with a small smile.

I look confused between the two, "I missed something"

Finns point of view

I look over at the unconscious double in front of me, "ughh my head", he says as he sits up rubbing his head.

"you mean my head", I say crossing my arms.

"uhhh whatever... little miss pedantic...", he says standing up brushing at his trousers with his hands.

"name calling really?... also miss?", I say rollling my eyes and uncrossing my arms.

"oh shut up... what happened?", he says looking around the blank dark space I've called home for the last few days or weeks. I don't really know how long it's been.

"you got knocked out", I say with a smirk.

"don't you mean you got knocked out...", he teases and crosses his arms.

"nope that one was all on you...", I say my smirk never leaving my face.

"whatever...", he says with an eye roll.

"I told you he'd try and kill you... once you were no more use to him... I mean you actually thought you were the centre of his plan? Nah... you were a booster nothing more..." I say making my way closer to him.

"he wasn't the one who knocked me out, that was all your buddy Ro", he says stepping closer to me.

"Because you were hurting her and her friends", I say tears threatening to fall.

"Don't you mean her and your friends", EF says with a sad smile.

"They were my friends! My best friends I've ever had... until...", I say as the tears start falling down my face.

"...until me", EF says his own tears on his face.

"Untill him", I finish what I was going to say.

"Him?", EF says looking at me confused.

"Controller..." I say wiping my tears with my hand.

EverFear looks at his down to his feet with a sad look on face. It was silent for awhile.

"Do you think they would still want to be your friend after this?", he asks breaking the silence.

"After what?", I ask confused.

"Everything, I've done... stealing from them... putting Ro and Jack in a comma, revealing Jacks secret... and that was just one day!", he says getting annoyed and more tears falling his face.

"I think so... I hope so..." I say looking down at the ground.

"But you don't know so...", he mumbles, causing me to look up at him.

"No I don't know for sure... but I can hope... after all, the only thing stronger than fear is..." I start saying as EF looks up at me and cuts me off.

"Hope", he finishes.

"Yea", I say with a small smile.

"She used to say that..." he mumbles.

"Who did?", I ask confused as EF wipes his tears.

"Your mother", he says just as confused as me, like that's something I should've remembered. I knew the saying my whole life but never knew where from. I know for a fact my mothers aren't the ones who told me that.

"My mother's never said that to me...", I say confused yet again.

"Finn you alright?", I hear a voice boom around us... it sounds like Jem.

"it looks like your waking up..", EverFear says with a small smile.

"Wait what?", I say as my eye open to see Jack Jem, and Ro... standing over me.

Oh and Jacks pointing a gun at me great...

"Hi....", I wave nervously...




Next Chapter.... is the last chapter.... it's going to be longer than previous chapters cause it's the finale... but there is then going be one shorter chapter after that one with a surprise but it's not actually a chapter ... you'll understand when you see it 😁

Anyway, see you in the finale...


*im hoping to have the finale out either later on tonight or tomorrow hopefully... 😂

Powers and Phobias Series: Book One: The First FlightWhere stories live. Discover now