Chapter Thirty Two: Shut up Fawkes

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Robins point of view

I noticed Max was quiet when Jack was telling us the story of how they found us. And decided to ask him about it.

"Max you ok? You were very quiet during Jacks story?", I ask concerned.

"No... uh yea... uh... Jack?", he's says walking over to where Jack was talking with Jem. I decided to follow him over.

"Uh, Yea?", he asked surprised.

"Where did you say you got the idea for stun guns from?", he asks Jack, why does he looked so worried about that?

"Uhhh... You?, you sent me a message in my head lol you did with the address", Jacks responds confused.

"Ummm... no I didn't... I tried to contact again but I couldn't", he said getting more concerned.

"Sooo what you saying someone else gave Jack the idea?", I asked I'm matching Jacks confusion.

"I mean don't see how but maybe?", he responds quietly.

"No... no... It can't have been I was definitely your voice!", Jack exclaimed.

"So if it wasn't Max who was it?", Jem says worried.

"I don't know...", Max says just as worried.
Mr Morrison's point of view



"Wake up"... I hear someone trying to wake me up, it sounds like Fawkes.

"What happened?", I ask getting up of the floor.

"the goody two shoes, got us", Fawkes answered. This didn't answer my question.

"Can you try that again?", I ask not amused. And with a headache.

"the goody-goody's brought us down", he said as I sat down on the armchair where I was previously.

I blankly stare at him, not saying a word.

"Team JJ, came at us", he said snickering.

I blankly stare at him, not saying a word.

Fawkes sighs before finally answering my question, "Jem and Jake shot us with what seemed like stun guns."

"Was that so hard?", I ask rubbing my head trying to soothe my headache.

"I mean I hurt a bit", he's say walking over before jumping down to sit on the sofa.

"Whateve!...I didn't need them anyway...", I say with a deep sigh.

"Then why did you trick them?", he asks with a smirk.

"because... because... I was hoping Max would see reason and join us in the plan", I say defeated.

"Since you mention it... what exactly is the plan?... your acting as if you winging it, like you haven't actually planned this out at all, just doing whatever comes to mind...", he asked leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.

"I've thought it through!", I said defensive.

"OMG!, Your winging this! Aren't you?", he asked rather loudly.

"one more word out of you...", I start before I'm cut off by the doorbell. I walk over to door and open it to let in the two people standing there

"Hey Carla come on in, and hello to you too Nikola", I greet them as they walk into my house.

"Sup' sir", the woman Carla greets back.

"Evening sir", the am Nikola greets as he enters.

"Where's Bates and Barney?", I ask looking out the door for my other two colleagues.

"The hell do I know!", Carla, answers with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Well we can just wait for them...", I say walking back to sit in my chair.

"uhhh, hi?..." Fawkes says with a small wave to no one in particular.

"hello...?" I answer back.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?", he says pointing to the newcomers.

"Fine..., Carla Briggs, Nikola Wilkes, this is Finley Fawkes", is say gesturing at each as I say their name.

"EverFear", Fawkes, corrects me with his stupid choice of a name.

"Sorry he likes to be called EverFear", I want actually sorry but keep the peace as they say.

"Hello nice to finally meet ya", Carla says giving a small wave.

"Yes Salutations, good sir", Nikola says extending his hand for Fawkes to shake.

"Good sir?", Fawkes asked while shaking the others hand.

"Just go with it he likes to talk werid", the red haired said trying to hold back a laugh.

"I am offended", the gentleman said in a monotone voice. As well as keeping a neutral face at the comment.

"Well tell ya face," Carla said snickering.

"Why... what does that even mean?", he asked probably confused, it was hard to tell with this guy.

"ughhh",  was the only thing Carla responded with.

I decide to change the subject, by addressing Carla, "Anyway, thanks, for burning down those houses for me Carla".

"Wasn't a problem, don't sweat about it", she said once again with a shrug. I think that's half of her vocabulary.

There was another knock on the door

"I'll get it", Nikola said having already rushed... well speed walked over to the door to answer it.

"What a gentleman...", Carla said snickering.

"ah, Barney, Bates... how are you this fine day?", I hear Nikola greet, a moment later Barney and Bates walk into the room, followed by Nikola.

"Just peachy Pennyworth...", Bates says sitting in the sofa next to Fawkes.

"My name is not Pennyworth, it's Nikola Wilkes, or I don't have an objection to Niki...
Why do you insist on calling me Pennyworth.?", Nikola asks, with... what emotion I don't even know!

"Don't sweat it Niki", says Carla... with you guessed it... another shrug.

"Fine...", Nikola says again with no change in his stoic demeanour.

"Now, that we are all here, let's get this plan into action should we?", I say standing up from my chair.

"So there is a plan?", Fawkes says leaning forward into the same position as earlier.

"Shut up Fawkes", I say rubbing my head, I never did get rid of that headache.

Hiiiiiii, Hello, Bonjour... this was a fun one, new characters...

... and uh Max didn't give Jack the idea... hmmm who did 😏

Anyway... have a week.


*I forgot to do this on the last chapter...

...500 Reads!!!!!! Thank you, just Thank you!!

That's all I can...

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