Chapter Twenty-Nine: as if something else is in control

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Robins point of view

... "we need to talk", the teacher says as he gestures for us to enter the classroom.

I walk in to see Max sitting at one of the desks.

"Sit", the teacher says as he locks the door to his classroom.

We all sit in row in the desk next to Max, I smile at him sadly and he looks guilty.

"Sorry Ro, I told you he'd find out", he says looking at the table.

"So, Mr Morrison, what's this about... Oh No did I fail my test, shame", I say ending with a smirk.

"God sake, no, you do know I'm not really a maths teacher", he says sitting down on his chair.

"Yes, I m fully aware of what your not, and of who you are!", I say more serious.

"Oh, and who's that then?", he says leaning forward so his arms are rested on the table.

"Your the Controller...", I say, then looking over at Max, "... and Max's father", I look back at Mr... The Contoller.

"Your also the guy, who brainwashed my friend", this time I look over at EF.

"I'd very much like him back", I say sadly.

"Not gonna happen Princess", he says glaring at me.

"One can only hope", I say once agin looking at the villian.

"Well, you seem to know a lot about me, but I don't know much about you... I know for years my son has insisted that you were in fact the cause of my wife's death and himself... however I don't, I blame him entirely", he says... like he's holding back tears.

"You shouldn't blame Max... or me... you shouldn't blame anyone...", I get cut off.

"ENOUGH!, I didn't trick you here to talk about Anna, I need you to back off and let me complete my plan... and no I'm not going to do a speech telling you my evil plan...", he says now standing and facing with his back to us.

I hear shuffling outside, like there's someone there.

While The Controller is distracted, I whisper to Max, "is anyone outside".

He closed his eyes, and makes a face of concentration. When he opens his eyes he nods.

"Great"... I mumble.

Mr Morison turns back around when there a knock on the door, he goes over to talk to whoever is there and leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

EverFear was to busy on his phone to notice us whispering to eachother.

"Jem!", I whisper as loudly as I dare to, no answer, "Jem!", no answer, "for gods sake!, Jem!".

Max makes the same face of concentration. Then Jem jumps slightly and looks at me.

"Sorry Ro, I couldn't hear you", she says too quietly I can barley hear her.

"What do you want her for?, I'll send her a message!", Max whispers at me.

"Ask her to use her powers to get us out of here?", I say.

Max transmits the message, as the door opens slightly.

Jem gets the message and gestures for us to join hands.

I join my hands with Max and Jem does with Jack. As I'm about to join hands with Jack, I hear the door open as my hand freezes as if something else is in control.

I see Jack and Jem blink away as they teleport.

My hand still frozen.

"Well don't Fawkes, for watching them", the Controller says annoyed.

"Sorry they must of communicated telepathically or something...", he says with shrug before looking back down at his phone.

"It's a good job your essential to this plan", he says with a sigh and shaking his head.

He gives me back control of my hand... me and Max may not have gotten free but I'm glad Jem and Jack got away.

"Well it's you two I wanted anyway,...", he says controlling is to stand up.

"It's about time we went home don't you think", he says moving closer to Max.

Jems point of view

We arrive at the Treehouse, I look over to where Ro and Max should be...

"Jack?, where are they?", I say as Jack has his back facing me, our hands still interlocked.

"She didn't grab my hand in time," he says turning around to face me..., "I'm sorry Jemy".

"It's not your fault... I left to early... I panicked", I say feeling my eyes well up with tears, "like I always do", I mumble that last part.

Jacks point of view

"Jemy this isn't you fault", I say, I look down to see our hands still intertwined, I look up to see Jemy noticed too. We break apart quickly. I notice a blush on her face and can assume there's one on mine too.

I clear my throat, "umm Jem," she looks worried at the name I don't usually use, "... I umm may have overheard something... I shouldn't have".

"What did overhear?", she looks at me confused.

"... Ro and you talking at the sleepover", I say sheepishly looking at the floor.

Her face scrunches into one of confusion... that is intoll I can only assume she remembers the conversation.

"Ooo, HOW?, you were asleep... oh god... oh god", she turns her back to me as she starts to freak out.

"Jem it's ok..." I say trying to get her attention, but to no avail.

"Jem... I like you too!", I say a bit louder, but she still doesn't seem to register I'm talking.

"JEM!", I yell as I turn her around to face me, "I like you too", I say closing my eyes.

"You do?", she asks, I nod without opening my eyes, as I think of a way to word my next sentence.

"... so ... I'm ... when this is all over... when we stop whatever Morrison is planning... will you... um... if you... um... do you want togooutsometime", I say the last part so fast I'm not even sure she understood what I said.

"Umm yea Id love too, Jack... it's a date...", she says nervously.

"It's a date", I say back.

We just stare at each other for a few minutes...

"Ro!", we both shout at the same time as we head over to the computer.

Sooo I'm sooo close to to where I want to be in the story it was a long road getting there but soon...

Also I was dreading writing the confusion scene between Jack and Jem... I hope it's ok.

And um you would probably want to remember those werid conversations earlier on with ??? They come into play soon.

Anyway, have a great time hour second minute whatever.


Powers and Phobias Series: Book One: The First FlightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz