Chapter Twenty Eight: ...we need to talk

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Jacks point of view

It been 3 weeks since the it all started, since Max started spying on his father, he's doing well at that, well hasn't been caught... yet.

I'm packing my stuff up and yet out of class to meet with Jemy and Ro.

I haven't told them what I saw in my fear coma... I can't... it's not like I could explain it anyway.

They also haven't brought up the whole the thing about my powers yet but it's only a matter of time... we should talk about it. They need to know what Finn said the first day we met.

"I never said you never had powers, I said I couldn't sense what they were", he says to me.

"What are you trying to say, Finn," I said staring at him more intensely than before.

"I'm saying I can sense that you have powers, and I can't sense what your fears are but something is blocking me from sensing what you powers actually are", he says with a concerned face.

He suggested I do have powers... but what could they be... I don't even know what fears I have that could give me clue, I sigh as I spot my friends in the distance and put on a smile as I walk over to them.

"Hey guys", I say as I reach them.

"Hey Jack", Ro says, " How was class?".

"Ah, same old same old", I say with a chuckle, before remembering before I wanted to bring up. " hey umm when we get to the Treehouse today we there's something we should talk about", I say looking down at the ground.

Before Ro or Jemy could say anything, I girl with black hair and a horse on her t-shirt walks over to us.

"Hey, Robin, Hey Jemima", she says with a smirk.

"Oh dear god", Jemy mumbles looking down.

"What ya won't Lucy", Ro says with fed up tone.

"Just wanted to talk... you seemed pretty close with that Fawkes kid", she says smirking.

"Kid?, he's the same age as us, and I was before he stopped turning up to class", she says sadly.

"Well, you should probably know he's in Mr Morrison's class right now", she said with a teasing tone.

We all looked shocked at each other before we started running in the direction of the classroom.

We could hear a shout from behind us.

"Your welcome!!!", Lucy said before exiting the  building.

We reached the classroom and to our luck the door was slightly open but we couldn't see anyone inside.

"I can't believe you actually fell for that," we heard someone say behind us before a laugh escaped the persons mouth.

"EverFear!" Ro says before turning to glare at the person behind us.

"Ooooh, what no longer calling me Finn, damn I'm gonna miss that!", he says with a smirk, "oh and Um you should probably know I'm not alone".

We all turn around to see Mr Morrison standing in the doorway of his classroom.

"I think you should all join me in my classroom, for a min", he said glaring at Ro, "we need to talk".

Max point of view- a few moments earlier

"Father, you called for me", I say walking into his classroom. I see Fi- EverFear sitting on a table in the classroom. I've been doing well to avoid him. But good things don't always last.

"EverFear just gave me some... troubling infomation", he says with glare, making me feel like he's the one who can read minds.

I know son, I know everything

I gulp... he knows I've been relying information to the Treehouse Team about him.

"What information is that", I say glaring at EF, trying to look unfazed by the whole situation.

"Come on Maxy, you read his mind you know that I've told him, your lucky I waited three weeks before saying anything" he say getting off the table and walking over to me.

"Max sit down", my father says not moving his gaze form the table in front of him.

"Wha... why?" I ask nervously.

"I SAID SIT DOWN", he yells standing up form his seat.

"Why should I?", I ask him, unfazed by his loud volume, I'm used to it at this point.

"What did you think would happen?, of course I turned against you, you haven't been yourself since...", I can't finish my sentences as sobs catch in my throat, as I remember that day.

"Just sit down Max", he says sadly almost broken, the saddest I've heard since that day.

"No, I'm leaving," I say as I head for the door, "the only way your making me stay, is by..." I'm cut off as my hand reaching for the door is stopped against my will.

"You promised mother you'd never do that", I say without looking at him.

"She's not here to stop me", he says controlling me to sit down, "now we just need to wait for your friends...", he's cut off by a knock on the door. He goes over to answer it.

"Hey Miss White, come in", he says gesturing got the black-haired girl to come in.

"You said, you needed to talk to me about my maths homework", she says as she looks around the room confused.

"Not exactly, Lucy", he says before using his powers on her.

"I need you to tell Jemima Blake and Robin Swift, that Fawkes is in my classroom.

And with that she leaves the room again.

"Fawkes go wait outside, out of sight in-till you see them near my door.

"Yes sir", he says with a salute, my father told his eye at the dramatic boy.

We wait in silence I till we hear EF talking to someone. My father heads for the door and opens it.

... "we need to talk".

Soooo, I'm hoping to upload a few chapters today. As I found a way to get to the part of the story I needed too.

Anyway have a great time.


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