Chapter Thirty Six :you know it might kill him...

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Mr Morrisons point of view

"What's she going to do?", Fawkes asked no one in particular.

"Let's just say bugs aren't going to cut it as a distraction this time," I say with a grin.

"She's gonna make a distraction... for who?", he asked concerned.

"That's none of your concern", I say shrugging him off.

"Then what is my concern? ... why do need me?", he asks standing up with a frustrated manner.

"patience...", I say ruffling his hair.

He slaps my hand away, "wearing thin..." he says angrily.

I walk over to Nikola, "now that stage one of the plan is in motion... Nikola you ready for your part...", I ask him with a nod.

He looks at Fawkes nervously, "as I'll ever be..." he says with a small nod.

"how come everyone else knows their parts but me...", Fawkes asks walking over to us.

"your a liability...", I says pointing at his head.

"anyway... your part in this with me... I'll fill you in on the way...", Nikola says patting him on the shoulder. Before slowly making his way to the front door.

"on our way to where?", he asks frustratedly.

"enough questions... just go...", I yell pointing at the door.

Fawkes starts walking to the front door and leaves the house. I call Nikola back so we can talk out of Fawkes earshot.

"don't let him know...", I whisper so Fawkes can't hear.

Nikola looks sadly at the boy and then back at me, "you know it might kill him... we don't know how long he can use his abilities for... you said we'd have time to test his abilities before we did this...", he says with worry in his voice.

I spoke through gritted teeth, "that was before Miss Swift started poking her nose with is doesn't belong... and..."

"convincing your son to turn his back on this..." Nikola says putting a hand in my shoulder, as I looked at the floor.

"perhaps I should have told him what I'm doing this for..." I say looking at Fawkes before turning back to Nikola.

"who your doing it for...", he says before moving his hand.

"yea... I'm going to talk to him... after my visit with the mayor..." I say with determination... I need to get my son back... and I'll do whatever takes to make him see.

"how do you know where he'd be?", I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Nikola speaks.

I smirk, "if our distraction works he'll be at the police station..." said with a smile. I hope Carla wasn't to harsh with the people at the police station.

"are we going it what?", Fawkes yells from outside.

I snicker before turning to Nikola, "you better go... he's going to get suspicious...".

"I think he already is... hence the questions...", he's says grabbing the door handle to leave.

Fawkes, once again yelling form outside "it's freezing come on...".

Nikola yells from the doorway and slams the door behind him as he leaves "for god sake... I'm coming...".

I watch them leave through the window, in-till Im interrupted by the two people still left in my house, "so why are we coming to the mayors office with you? I thought you'd want to do that bit alone...", Bates asked from my armchair.

"I would... however I needed Bumblebees assistance...", I say looking the named man.

Barney looks at me nervously, "what you need me for?", he ask with a gulp.

"you'll see... and I need you Bates to stand watch...", I say heading over to my coat rack and grabbing my coat.

"fine with me...", Bates says as he walks over to the front door.

"let's go..." I say looking at the blonde haired man, "I have a meeting with the mayor...".

Nikolas point of view

Fawkes, once again yelling form outside "it's freezing come on...".

I yell back from the doorway and slam the door behind me as I leave "for god sake... I'm coming...".

"Finally, took you long enough...", he says as I roll my eyes, "so where we going?".

"Well to start off... my car", I say grabbing my keys out of my pocket.

The walk is silent intill we reach my car.

"This is your car?" I asks with a shocked look on his face.

"What's wrong with it?", I say getting in the drivers seat.

He gets in the passenger side, " it's old".

"Yea... but it'll do... I don't use it much", I say starting to drive to where we need to go.

Fawkes runs hand over the dashboard, looking at the dust in his fingers, "clearly".

"So where are we going?", he asks again.

"You ever heard of Spectre Co?", I ask him.

"Yea they like the biggest company in Eternia Heights!", he says confused.

"Well do you actually know what they do...", I say with a smirk.

He thinks for a moment, "Noooo....".

"That's because it's a front..." I say as we reach the Spectre Co building. I start getting out of the chair and Fawkes follows.

"A front for what?", he asks me closing the car door.

"I'll tell you later... right now we need to sneak into that building" I say looking up at the skyscraper.


Sooo... another one we are right into the final now... 😊

Anyway... have an interesting day week month or even a year.


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