Chapter Twenty Seven: never gonna happen!!!

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Finns point of view

"EVERFEAR!!! You can't ignore me forever!!"

I keep yelling in his head as he's trying to sleep... he's ruined my life the least I can do is ruin his sleep schedule.

That brings back the memory of our sleep over,  the night before everything changed.

"What the matter scared you'll screw up your sleeping schedule... on a weekend?" Jack said smirking which turned into a yawn.

"Who has a sleeping schedule?" Finn says confused.

"Who sleeps?", said Jem.

I laugh at the memory, as I sit down on the floor. As the pitch black surrounds me.

"Would you please... SHUT THE HELL UP!", EverFear yells into the air of my bedroom.

I very tired version of EverFear, shows up in front of me, wearing pyjamas and clutching a pillow.

"Well hello, nice to finally meet you in person!", I say sarcastically before standing up.

"Why are you yelling at me at 3 IM THE MORNING!!", he yells.

"You ruined my life the least I can..." I start before I'm very rudely interrupted.

" is ruin my sleep schedule... yea yea I know I heard you thinking about it earlier!", he says finishing with a yawn.

"You can here what I think, fantastic!", I say exasperated, and moving my arms around.

"Only sometimes when it involves a strong emotion or mem...", he starts before being interrupted a yawn.

"...memory, now let me sleep!", he says tiredly.

"I will... when you let me take back my life...", I say crossing my arms.

"Ughhh", EF groans, " you know I can do that!, even if I wanted too ... which I don't! I'm having way to much fun!!", as he turns to face away from me.

"He's just going to kill you, ya know", there's a pause where he stands with his back to me not saying a word.

"No, he's not. I'm important in some way!", he says still not looking at me.

"Yea, put happens when you stop being important to him, what happens when what ever part you have to play in his master plan, what happens..." I say slowly making my way over to him.

He didn't say anything and just fades away.

"I know you can still here me! It's the listening to me you need to work on...", I say before sitting back down on the ground.

Max's point of view

"Uh uh... never gonna happen!!!", I shout at the persons stupid suggestion.

"Come on please!!", the person, also known as Ro, pleads.

"Nooo, he'll see through me", I say pacing Ro's temporary bedroom.

"He doesn't know your working with us", she says getting up form her bed and puts her hands on my shoulders to stop me from pacing.

"But, the last time I saw him, I stormed out..." I say with a sad look.

She gives me a sad smile, "I know it's not going to be easy, but I know you can keep the secret that your working for us... it's not the first secret you've kept from your father...", she gives me a smirk.

"Ooo wow, your not talking about...", I start before she nods as if she knew what I was going to say.

"This is different to that secret Ro, him finding out this secret could get you and your friends hurt," I say as I see her smirk fall.

"Don't worry about us we can handle it, this isn't our first time stopping a villian", she says going into a superhero pose with her hands on her hips.

"You've had one fight!!! , that was like level one, my father... my father in the other hand is like level 10+", I say sitting down on her bed.

"But with your help, with you on the inside... your poweeerrs, it easily becomes at least like a level 5... at least ", she says crouching in-front of me.

"Huh, fiiiiine...", I say as I get up from the end and head for the door.

"Let's go plan, with the nerd and the geek", I say with a smirk as I open the door.

"Hey, those I may friends... I mean your right... but don't say it with that tone...", she says says following me.

"Don't say what with what tone?", Jem says sitting down on the sofa.

"Forget it", Ro says as I join Jem on the couch along with Jack.

Ro stands in the middle of the living room pacing back and forth as if she's given a lecture.

"Max, has agreed to spy on his father for us...", she says looking at me before moving her gaze to Jem.

"...And we have maths with him tomorrow morning, and he don't know we know who he is yet", she adds.

"But are you forgetting who else you have maths with?", Jack says learning forward resting his arms on his knees.

".... uhhhhh", is what we hear from Jem.
"...Finn!", she exclaims.

"Or more like EverFear!", Ro says looking down at her feet, with a heavy sigh.

"Ro, we will get him back!", I say with slowly growing smile on my face.

She looks up and smiles back at me, "I hope so".

"Wait why are we doing this...?", says the forensics stuedent, "... why don't we just go to the police".

"Becuse we don't know of my father has anyone in the police force controlled", I answer quickly.

"... yea that's why totally!... not because I didnt think of it and just wanted to be a hero", I hear Ro mumble the last part and give her a knowing smirk.

"So what are we going to do!...apart from Max spying on him and you two keeping an eye on him in maths", Jack says, he seems to be on edge, I don't know him well but I can tell.

But that's for another time...  that's another story...

... right now we- I need to forcus on stopping my father.

Sorry if this chapters bad, I'm struggling to write at the moment I know where I need to go into the story I just don't know how I'm going to get there, but it's edging there slowly... but it just means we are a little further from the end than I thought.

Also I may have hinted to a sequel somewhere in this chapter... in case I hadn't said it yet ... even though I haven't finished this book yet I am planning a sequel.

Also can anyone guess what Max's secret he's kept from his father is??? It's something I've been thinking about his character for a while and was unsure of whether or not to go with it.. well I decided why not!!! Also it may link kinda to something I'm planning for Ro's character too....

Annnway, have a great day week month AND yearS


*also do you like these little messages I put after each chapter orrrr....

Powers and Phobias Series: Book One: The First FlightWhere stories live. Discover now