Chapter Five: Didn't your father tell you?

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This chapter is not going to be from the point of view of Robin, because Robin isn't there when it's happening. This is from the point of view of a boy called Max the same age as Robin and the others- you will find out more about him later on, :)

also the writng in italics are peoples thoughts... (that gos for future chapters as well)



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"Come on Max, hurry up",  a man said shouting at me walking slowly behind him.

He is such a slowcoach, why did The Controller make us bring him he's going to ruin the plan.

The man thought about the young boy. "You do realise I can read your thoughts," I said to the man.

"Yes I do, but do you think I care, no I don't care what others think of me, that's your fear... Not mine!" he snapped back at me.

Idiot boy.

"Hello, you must be the infamous Shadow Spider, I am a huge fan," he says excitedly, before he looks at me, "annnd, who may this be?" a man dressed in almost all black, with the exception of a yellow shirt underneath a black suit jacket and black trousers and a black and yellow striped mask, that resembled a bee.

"I am  Shadow Spider, and him, he's not important" he looks mean with a scowl before turning his attention back to the man.

"Hello, not important, my name is Bumblebee," said with a giggle by the man dressed a little like a bee, which makes a lot more sense not that we know his name.

"Actually, Bumblebee my name is Judgment," I said glaring at the man known as Shadow Spider, who is always dressed in black with a tattoo of a spider web over his left eye, before lifting my hand for Mr Bumblebee to shake.

Judgment? I wonder what his power and phobia are, the bee thought as he shook my hand.

"To answer your question Mr Bumblebee, I can read minds and my fear is being judged by people, so I can read minds, so I always know, I always know exactly what people think about me," I say looking at spider man, "and it's not always nice".

"So we going to do this or not Thinkerbell," said the spider-man, to the bee man, clearly frustrated.

"Wait before we start, what exactly is it you two can do and why are we here?", I asked the two older men.

"Didn't your father tell you?", the spider-themed man  asks me "Even if he didn't couldn't you have just read his mind or ours for that matter?" He said with a wicked grin on his face.

"Ok first, my father doesn't tell me anything I don't even know why he wants me here, and second I'd rather just ask you than go rummaging in your mind, who knows what I might find," I say with a slight smirk.

Powers and Phobias Series: Book One: The First FlightWhere stories live. Discover now