Chapter Twenty Four: because it didn't feel right

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Max's point of view

I sat on the sofa in the living room, of this Jacks house, where Ro was apparently living, as Jem teleported Jack and Ro into their rooms, as they were still unconscious.

Obviously I know what EverFear did to them but I was debating about whether or not I should tell Jem, what exactly it is they are going through.

EverFear point of view

I land down outside of Mr Morrison's house thinking it was way to late for him to still be in his classroom.

I walk up to the door and knock... there was no answer... I knock again... still no answer... so bang in the door as loudly as I can. Probably waking a few neighbours... oh well.

I hear a dog bark loudly as the door opens, to show a very angry looking fake maths teacher.

"Finn... wh", he starts to say before I cut him off.

"EverFear! I'm fed up of being called Finn, I'm no...", it was my turn to be cut off.

"I don't give a... I don't care what you want to be called, all I care about is what the hell you are doing banging loudly on my door at 1 in the morning!!", he whispers yells at me trying very hard to not just yell it at me.

I lift up the stolen piece of paper for him to see it, "sorry I thought you might want this... but if I was wrong I can just leave it here on the doorstep and leave you be..." I say, before the door is opened and Morrison gestures for me to come inside.

"You got the paper sooner than I expected you too!,", he says turning in the light in his living room before sitting on the sofa and examining the paper.

"So what is it?", I ask him siting in the sofa next to him.

"Exactly what I thought it was... but how? I went through extreme lengths to get my copy...", he says pulling out the same piece of paper which just less scorch marks on it.

"So is my job done here...", I say getting up and  starting to head for the door.

"Yes... for now. You have a bigger part in this than you realise yet Mr Fawkes," the teacher says to me never moving from looking at the paper.

I open the door to leave before I turn around I say back to him, "oh you should probably know, my covers blown with the super geeks..." and with that I ran out the door and fly away.

Max's point of view

"How are they?", I ask Jem after she comes into the living room.

"Still unconscious,", she says as sits in the sofa, and puts her head in her hands, "how we gonna fix this, Max?".

"I don't know Jem,", I say putting my hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up at me and laugh.

"What's so funny?", I say joining in on her laughing.

"It's just this isn't actually how imagined us meeting," she answered.

"Yea, I feel like this is all my fault!", I say looking at my hands that were placed in my lap.

This isn't your fault Max

"Of course it's my fault, it certainly not yours, it's not Jacks and it's not Ro's... it's not even Finns fault," I say moving my gaze from my hands to Jem.

"I didn't say... you heard my thoughts... it's true though it's not your fault, your father did this not you!" She says trying to comfort me.

"My father asked me to gain Ro's trust, to spy on her, find out what she overheard that day, I couldn't do it at first I thought it was because I couldn't face Ro after our past...", I took a breath before I continued.

"... but I later realised it was because it didn't feel right, I thought my father gave me the code name Judgement... because of my fear... but then I realised I needed to use it.. my own judgement... make my own choices... so I refused to do what he told me anymore..., but look what good that did me and everyone, if I had been the one to spy on you guys, my father never would've needed Finn, and none of this would be happening", by the end of my speech I had tears running down my face and onto my lap.

"Max, what happened to Finn isn't your fault, what happened to Jack and Ro is not your fault ok!," she said shaking me by the shoulders.

"Geez, ok...," I say with a chuckle, "look Jem... there might be a way to wake them up...", I saw her eyes light up at that, "but I should warn you... this could be dangerous and it may not even work".

"Ok so what we gotta do", she says not losing her hopeful look.

"Before we get started, I should probably tell you about what he did to them... from what I can tell he's trapped them in some sort of fear... coma,", I trying my best to explain.

"Fear coma?,", she repeats confused.

"Yea... I'm guessing... their thoughts sound frightened anyway...", not sure if I'm making things better or not.

"Right... soooo... you think you can wake them...", Jem asks hopeful.

"Yes... if I can transmit our thoughts into their heads... we can talk to them, get them to wake up... I hope", I say.

"You sure your for this Max?", Jem says with a sympathetic look on her face.

"Honestly... I don't know", I say looking towards the stairs that lead up to where our friends were, "I don't know".


I want to start by saying thank you for over 400 reads!!!! I never thought it have so many :)

Annnnyway.... have a wonderful day week month AND year.


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