Chapter 1: Discovery

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Skylar Finn
5:10 PM-Thursday
School Gate

Have you ever felt weird? The feeling were people makes you doubt yourself. That's what I feel everyday from some girls in my school.

They always bully me because they think I am seducing their boyfriends and boys they are interested with. Well, they're all dumb. I am a guy for crying out loud, well 'gay' to be exact, but I am not seducing them or have felt any kind of attraction towards them. I am gay that's a fact, but I have other things my life was focused on and one of those is my studies.

They won't stop being a bitch to me ever since I came out as gay. Since then some girls sees me as a threat.

And it so happen that one of my major bullies is the school's popular girl and "queen bee". Very self-proclaimed.

Before I proceed on this crappy life I have let me introduce myself. My name is Skylar Finn Morgan. Many complimented my looks and was often called beautiful. My height... well let's not talk about that. I have pale skin and round eyes with specs of light blue. I have black hair well originally its hazel brown I started dyeing my hair black when I was 15. I love reading books and eating chocolates. I also love swimming, funny isn't? A gay nerd do sports- swimming.  And today is my 17th birthday.

I am currently in my school preparkng to go home like any normal days I have. Yeah, check the key word 'normal', it means being bullied by rich bitches that have heavy make up on that you can't even tell the difference between a make up foundation and baking flour.

I was on my way home when a black van appeared in front of my way and then it abruptly opened revealing two bulky men. The first one held me tight while the other stuffed a cloth in my nose and mouth. I struggled, fighting against their hold, but failed miserably.

Soon darkness enveloped me.

7:30 PM-Thursday

I slowly opened my eyes and met by a dark room and was only lit with the light emitted by the bulb above me.

I am tied down in this cranky wooden chair and I can feel my body aching. Checking myself, I may have been beaten up when I was still unconscious.

The door then creaked open, revealing a walking fake and quasi Barbie bitch that underwent many different surgeries named Jessica and accompanying beside her were her two brainless-muscled tofu.

"Finally you decided to wake the fuck up, fag!" She exclaimed as she slapped me hard.

This bitch can slap! I thought.

"Wanna have fun?" She asked with a smirk plastered in her face as she signaled something to those guys. The men went near me and held me tight.

"Let me go!" I yelled while I struggle hoping to escape and I seem to be so hopeless.

One of the guys then put a sack on my head while the other remove the rope attaching me to the chair and punched me in my stomach.

Why won't this guys pick somebody their own size? Well definitely not me, I'm not in the same size as them. I'm below 5'5.

I somehow blacked out at the process of them tormenting me. Punches and kicks were thrown in every part of my body.

Consciousness then decided to come back and what shocked me the most is that we are in a cliff, at the very edge to be exact and I'm still tied up, well without the cranky chair so yeah I'm fine. Note the sarcasm. And I can hear sounds of water heavily splashing beneath this cliff. I am really in trouble.

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