Chapter 46: King Vladimir

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3rd Person's POV

Wednesday - 7:00 AMBlood Moon Kingdom, Arena

The participants fell in line, grouping themselves respectively. Skylar is at the end of their line while Trisha is up front with Zachary behind her.

The royalties from the different kingdoms are watching on one of the overviewing balcony of the arena. Having a great view of the entire arena. What caught the queens and kings in that balcony is the boy at the back of the line, wearing black jersey.

"That kid is interesting." Trisha's mother stated, the queen of Yggdrai Kingdom, Mavi. With her king beside her, Zere. Both their sights were focused on the blue-eyed wizard. A smile may be painted on the boy's face, but sternness and focus overflows by just looking right through his blue orbs.

"He is that kid right? The one who people thought attacks the Blood Moon Kingdom." Norman Seto of Weyd Kingdom said, cutting in between the other's conversation.

The kings and queens are discussing towards themselves.

King Vladimir on the other hand came alone for the festival, the king of Blood Moon Kingdom. His queen, Kristal Jade is still under the curse made by Olivia. The king of the said kingdom has his eyes directed at the boy as well. Silently observing him.

"Welcome to the Grand Magic Festival!" The master of ceremony announces through the microphone as many cheered and yelled, followed by the magical fireworks, fired upwards, giving other colors to the bright blue and vast sky.

The master of ceremony continues to introduce and open the festival.

Minutes later.

"May we have King Vladimir of Blood Moon Kingdom for his words and remarks to officially open the festival." Many cheered for the king as he is well known for his fire magic, same as his son's.

"Welcome!" The only word he uttered, as it echoes through out the arena. Earning cheers and applauds.

"Even his father is cold." Skylar covered his lips as he lowly giggled, as he looks at both Zachary and King Vladimir. Thinking that both men are handsome.

"To start the festival, please choose 2 out of your team to participate and move forward. Afterwards, the first event will be announced and instruction will be provided."  The master of ceremony stated.

Trisha being the head of the group, looks back at the others.

"The first event is unknown. It is better if we send someone who is overall almost good at everything. From defenses to speed and strength." Trisha shares her idea.

"Skylar and Zachary are the best options for those criteria." Marco straightly said.

"I think that is not a good idea." Rei intervened, as he adjusted his glasses.

Aelous and Trisha nodded, asking Rei to share his point of view or perception towards picking who to send to the first event. Skylar on the other hand silently listens.

"How about sending Trisha and Aelous for the first round?" Rei asked.

"Why us?" Aelous asked, point at himself.

"Trisha is really good when it comes to strength and speed. While your wind magic could complement, since it can be use as a support magic, making it ideal for a defensive stance." Rei explained. His points make sense, their magic is opposite to each other, balancing things out. Trisha's electric and demon magic is super explosive, while wind magic can be support and defensive magic. Knowing how good at shot calling Trisha is, it would complement Aelous's calculating attitude and approach.

"I second the motion." Skylar smiled, raising his right arm.

Zachary nodded to the idea while Marco whines and wants to join, but his fussing was stop by fingers gripping his ear.

"Stop whining." Rei said, glaring at Marco.

"It is decided then." Trisha stated as she steps forward with Aelous following from behind.

Skylar looks at the other academies beside them, Tozar and Hexai Academy sent men as their representatives for the first event. All of these men are big and muscular, all of them look intimidating, especially the ones from Tozar Academy.

Graidelle sent two of theirs, one is short while the other is tall. Both have pocket mirrors on their hands, acting pretty and fixing their hairs.

Skylar remembers the girls from the world he came from, especially the girl who planned to kill him. He just clicks his tongue, starting to get annoyed by the memories flashing back in his thoughts.

"Is something wrong?" Zachary's voice echoed in his head, as a hand went on his shoulder.

Skylar turned his attention to Zachary, he just nodded and smiled at Zachary.

This interaction did not go unnoticed by the king of Blood Moon Kingdom, Vladimir Jade.

"I never saw Zach this touchy with someone, a boy at that." Vladimir stated to himself.

"Okay to begin! The first place will gain 100 points. The second place will have 50, then 25 for the third place and 0 for the last one to finish." Many were wondering what the first event is, so loud cheers and yells were heard.

The festival is starting immediately, not wasting any more time. The students did not have time to rest upon arrival.

"The first event is egg hunting! There are three eggs hidden in the kingdom, you are given only an hour to find the eggs. The team who wouldn't be able to find an egg will automatically have 0 points." The master of ceremony stated. 

That is when suddenly, the master of ceremony pulled the trigger of his gun, "Begin!"

Out of no where, he immediately started the event. The students cheered. The representatives, flew, teleported and ran everywhere in search for the eggs.

"Zachary could've been a good option, since he knows more about the locations and areas inside the castle." Skylar whispered to himself.

Skyal raised his head and his sight and attention went to wards where the kings and queens are seated. His eyes met with the fiery eyes of King Vladimir, as if they were communicating. "I'm watching you." Vladmir mouthed, causing Skylar to widen his eyes, shock of what the king of Blood Moon Kingdom meant.

Skylar just smiled and nodded, "Then watch closely." He mouthed back with confidence.

Skylar remembered that the winning team will fight each other, the last man standing will have the opportunity to face one of the rulers in Fiore. Skylar's hunger to win grows by just thinking of it.

"I'll be able to prove my strength if I were able to defeat one of them." He though to himself as he looks up in the sky.

"See you soon, mother." He whispered.


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Fiore: World of Magic | (Boy×Boy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz