30 - Toot

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I slowly opened the rooftop door. I peeked through the small gap I made and found Taehyung standing, leaning his body forward onto the railing. He had his earphones plugged in, his head swaying to whatever music he was listening to.

Watching his back, I let my heartbeat picked up a steady pace. I stepped forward and closed the metal door behind me, the sound of it closing became noticed by him. He turned off his music and turned his head to look at me, his lips pulled into a slight smile.

"I was starting to think that you forgot about me." He said, ruffling the back of his hair.

I kinda did.

"Sorry," I apologized and walked towards the shaded area since students were not supposed to be at the rooftop. I sat down on the floor and took out the remaining lunch boxes. "Here." I gestured Taehyung to come.

He went and sat beside me, leaning his back on the wall behind. "What did you cook?"

I opened the spicy chicken wings lunch box and I had another one that has a portion of rice in it. "It cooled down a little but I think it's still good." I said, pushing the food towards him.

Taehyung picked up the utensils that I prepared with his eyes sparkling at the food. "But you're not eating?"

I shook my head because I wasn't hungry, and the food was made for only one person anyway. "I ate already. Go ahead."

"If you say so!" He exclaimed and dug in immediately.

He didn't even try to offer me some. I scoffed silently but chuckled anyway. By the looks of it, he purposely didn't eat breakfast because I was gonna cook for him.

I didn't know the exact reason of why he piqued my interest. I have never been in love before and my previous crushes only lasted for like a few weeks, so when I noticed that I liked Taehyung more than I thought, it kinda intimidated me. It was out of my comfort zone, so I was in a big, big denial.

But before I knew it, he got me staring at him everytime he's present, but at the same time I couldn't look at him for long. Every silly little things he does, I would laugh even though I find them annoying. He always got to my nerves, but then again without me realizing it, I'd do anything to make his smile reach his eyes.

I wanted him near me, like this.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?" He spoke with his mouth still filled with food, I scrunched my face in disgust. "Gee, am I that good looking?" He boasted.

I rested my chin on my palm. "No, you just eat like a pig, that's all. Don't be too full of yourself." I grimaced.

"Oh my God, don't compare me to you." He commented and continued to eat. "Do you have tissues?"

"Yeah, I think so." I rummaged through my lunch bag. Taehyung must've caught the other lunch box that had the stir fried noodles that I gave to Hoseok because he made a curious expression.

"What's in that?" He pointed out.

"Ah, stir fried noodles. I made it for us but Hoseok needed it so I gave it to him." I said, giving him a pocket tissue.

The look on his face was unpleasing. He looked irritated, taking the pocket tissue from my hand. "Oh, really?"

"Yeah," I frowned at the sudden change of mood. "What's wrong?"

"It's just... I don't get why you need to lie about your feelings for him." He said, his tone flat with no visible emotions.

"Excuse me?"

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