17 - I Need Subtitles

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Day three of the school trip.

Rohee went crazy when I showed her the pink scallop shell I found. I wasn't one to believe about those kind of myths but Rohee seemed to be one. I kept it, just because it was pretty and I planned on making a necklace out of it. I cleaned it right after we got back to the villa and made sure I kept it safe so I wouldn't break it.

We went to the Hallasan National Park this morning and since yesterday, a squad was formed just like that. Jimin, Hoseok, Rohee, and I stayed together through the trip. Although, we all stayed in different villas. I was the only humanity kid so of course my villa was apart from them. Hoseok and Rohee were in one class so they shared a villa, meanwhile Jimin who was in the other science class stayed in the other villa. Other than that, we've been spending time together. They were like my sunshine.

Last night, Jimin had bought us a lot of sparklers. When we got back to the villa, he opened them and invited everyone to play with the sparklers at the huge grassy backyard. It was really fun. We also had a late night barbeque, we even set up the TV in one of the science's villa for karaoke night. We slept really late last night and some didn't even sleep at all. That's why the teachers told us to sleep until late and then we could get some lunch at a seafood restaurant. That night, I slept like a baby and had a nice dream.

I woke up late. It was almost 12 pm and the teachers announced that we should be ready before 1 for lunch. I got up and got ready quickly. I took a shower and brushed my teeth, I wore a white tee with a picture of the Beatles in front and overalls which were a bit oversized but I liked it. I put my hair up in a messy bun and came downstairs for some snacks.

I saw Jimin visiting my villa downstairs so I hopped down and jogged to him happily. "Hello, friendo." I slapped his arm as a greeting.

Jimin, who was surprised, almost shoved me away. "Whoa, can't you greet me like a normal person?"

"Nope," I frowned, looking around. "Are you searching for somebody?"

"I just had a talk with Taehyung, but it's all good now," Jimin said in a reassuring tone. "Look, Rohee's calling for you."

I saw Rohee, she was literally in the villa across but she still waved her hands and jumped to catch our attention. When she noticed that Jimin and I saw her, she pulled Hoseok by the sleeve, not noticing that the poor boy was drinking his tea. I assumed that the tea spilled and stained his shirt because the next thing I saw was an angry Hoseok and a panicked but laughing Rohee. Hoseok then stomped upstairs to clean up while Rohee ran through the backyard and entered my villa's back door slash sliding door.

"Hoseok's mad at me."

"I can see that."

"Whatever, I'm not scared of him," She shrugged. "Anyway, I heard that there's a beach near the restaurant so let's take a walk there after lunch!"

"I'm in." I agreed.

"The weather is too hot, so no for me." Jimin said.

"What? Don't spoil the fun, Jimin, it's just a walk. And who told you to wear black in summer? Black fabric absorbs heat." Rohee pointed at Jimin's black shirt.

Jimin's eyes twitched and he broke into an awkward smile. "Why did I pick black?" He scratched his head. "But I'm still not going. I promised my friends to play games together, sorry."

"Boo," Rohee squinted her eyes at him and turned to me. "Whatever. We'll gossip about boys later."

"No way." I groaned at the idea.

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