19 - Taste

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Last day of the school trip.

I am never drinking alcohol again.

I buried my face in my palms, the scenes from yesterday kept appearing on my head like a freaking slideshow. My face was crimson red in embarrassment.

The beer wasn't even that strong but I lost my entire sanity!

I punched the neat pile of dirty clothes in my bag.

I'm an idiot!

How should I face Taehyung now?!

It was the last day of the trip. We just had breakfast in the villa, the students who are able to cook were told to make food. After that we packed our belongings and waited for the bus to be ready.

Once again, there were no bus arrangements so we could choose whichever bus. I followed Jimin, Hoseok, and Rohee to the blue bus number two. I sat on the window seat and waited for Rohee to sit beside me. As I waited, a figure stood on the bus' aisle facing me, I expected it to be Rohee. I looked over and instead of her, a male figure towered. I tried to shove away all the images of yesterday that occured and looked at him with questioning eyes. He was looking at me as if he wanted to say something. I waited and Taehyung's mouth finally moved.

"Can I sit-"

"Move, gentleman," Rohee pushed past Taehyung and plopped herself down beside me. "This is my seat." She said proudly and I chuckled at her. She had a smug look on her face while looking at him.

Taehyung frowned a little and eyes moving to meet mine. "Oh, okay then." And he left to search for another empty seat. He sat beside Jimin instead while Hoseok chose to sit with his other friends.

Poor bean.

"What was that?" I laughed at Rohee.

"I'm sitting with my girl and no one can stop me," She slung her hand around my shoulder. "Plus I need to have a girl talk with you."

The bus started moving and we left the villas. I looked over at the cream colored buildings as we got further and further. I'm gonna miss the days here for sure.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

Rohee turned her body to face me and talked in a low tone so that no one could hear me. "Do you perhaps have any feelings for Taehyung?"

I, who was drinking my apple juice, almost choked. "W-Why suddenly-"

"I don't know, I just have a weird hunch that you do," She told me. "Yesterday I saw you both talking by the beach. The boys wanted to come over but I told them not to and leave. But yeah, do you?"

The scene from yesterday played again and I pursed my lips. "No... I don't know? I'm not sure. No?" I tried to deny.

"So you're not sure of your own feelings," She hummed and opened a bag of chips easily. She craned her neck to find the guy we were talking about. Jimin and Taehyung were two seats behind us. "I want to help you but at the same time it's your business, so I don't want to interfere."

I smiled a little while taking a chip. I appreciated how she chose to leave me to solve things on my own. "Yeah, thanks. I'd prefer that." I was suddenly curious about something so I asked, "Do you have a crush on someone?"

Rohee pulled a disgusted face. "No, the guys here are wrecks. Also, I gave up on dating last year. Relationships are a pain in the neck, I'd rather focus on getting a scholarship to my preferred college." She said. "But I still love talking about romance, like listening to you guys' love stories. It's fun."

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