27 - Flap

367 36 16


It was a nice friday in fall when I stayed still on the wooden ladder, shocked at what I just heard.

"Miru, I really like you."

I struggled to keep the books in one hand. I looked over to him with wide eyes. He had an uneasy look on his face but he managed to pull a smile on his lips. "W-What?" I stuttered.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I should've said it later. You should come down first." He babbled, so I did. I climbed down the stairs and hugged the books close to my chest, my heart pounded in nervousness. I stayed silent, waiting for him to continue what he was saying.

"I like you. I've been feeling that for a while now. I know you don't feel the same way when I tried to, um, kiss you at the villa in Jeju. I just want to clear things from my chest and I want to hear it properly from you so it's easier for me to move on. I'm sorry I startled you." Hoseok explained, trying his very best to not make eye contact with me.

I pursed my lips, my head blanking out. "Uh..."

"It's okay, take your time."

"No, it's- uh," I lowered my gaze, squeezing the books in my arms. "I'm sorry."

Hoseok chuckled, which startled me. "You don't have to feel bad. It's really fine. It hurts, I mean, it's rejection so of course it would hurt, but I'm prepared." He said. Despite his words, his face still showed a bright expression although he kept on rubbing his palms on the side of his jeans.

"But still, I feel really sorry. You're a really nice guy, I mean it. I'm sorry I can't return your feelings." I stammered, feeling horrible and still shocked.

Hoseok likes me. The Jung Hoseok I gushed over in my old diary. And now I'm rejecting him?

"If anything, I'm glad you rejected me. I'd rather be rejected than accepted, knowing that your heart isn't with me but someone else." Hoseok reassured, but I stared at him questioningly. He just smiled at me as if he knew something, and then he asked, "Taehyung, isn't it?"

My grip loosened and a thick drama novel fell from my arms and hit my foot. I groaned, wincing at the pain.

"Oh, are you okay?" Hoseok panicked, crouching down immediately to pick up the book. "You know what, I'll hold one this instead."

"Yeah, thank you," I blurted. "But why Taehyung all of the sudden?"

"I know, Miru. I know," He laughed, amused. "I like you so of course I would know that your eyes always go to Taehyung unconsciously. It's kinda obvious to me, but don't worry, Jimin is clueless."

I just smiled bitterly at that.

"Taehyung might be taken, but he's not married yet so steal that guy, alright?" Hoseok said in a dialect, trying to brighten the atmosphere. "Don't give up, yeah? I'm cheering for you!"

I laughed at the cheering gestures he made. "Thank you, Hoseok."

"But..." He licked his lips. "I hope my confession doesn't make things awkward between us. We're still friends, right?"

I poked his stomach with a novel lightly. "Duh? Of course we're still friends!"

He had a hand placed over his chest as a gesture of relief. "I'm glad."

* * *

It was already 8:30 so we walked back to the dorms as we were not allowed to go out until late. I was really glad that the atmosphere between Hoseok and I didn't turn awkward. We were still really good friends like before.

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