1 - Who Did It?

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"You can do this, Kang Miru. Only this one time. You'll only get one chance and you're not gonna blow it." I said to myself, pulling the hood of my black jacket over my head and exhaled. I wore my black mask and shook the can on my right hand.

Yes, I know what you're thinking.

It's true. I am doing something illegal for the first time in my life.

I looked around one more time, making sure that no one was there to see me vandalize the principal's car. If you're thinking why I would do that, my answer is simple. I just hate the principal as much as the other students do and to me, it's not right to never do such illegal things while you're still in high school.

I won't regret this.

I opened the can and sprayed the red substance along the body of the principal's expensive car. He had mentioned that he just bought this car recently and it costed his lifetime savings.

I never had a reason why I hated the principal. It was just our school's traditional thing, you know, to hate the principal. One has reasons and one doesn't. Either way, we still hate him.

I heard rumors about how he cheated on his wife with one of the students' single mother, I've heard one about how he bought his penthouse using black money, and the popular one was how he got double chin removal surgery. But we never knew about the truth behind every rumors, whether they were correct or not. All we knew was that the half bald middle aged man didn't have a double chin even though he was around 165 pounds.

I drew things on the black mercedes. Things that the principal won't be too happy to see.

A ginormous peepee.

I was spraying random things and words when I heard footsteps on the grass behind me.

What in the dad sizzling world-

I stopped spraying and gulped in panic. My brain wasn't functioning very well, thinking that I was about to get caught red handed. Literally red handed.

The footsteps got closer and I dared myself to turn my head to look at the person's face. His face showed clear amusement. He was looking over my shoulder, at the black mercedes. His eyes widened and so was his iconic smile. He looked at the car from back to front, chuckling.

"Look at you, never thought that you'd do something like this." He then looked over to me. "I've never even done this before. You beat me to it."

I frowned at him. "Kim Taehyung, what do you want?"

Kim Taehyung. That one troublesome kid at school who you just want to smack the good living thing out of him because he was always being so annoying. He has never bothered me before though, I was lucky, well at least until now.

He squinted his eyes at me. "You're in my class, aren't you? Kang Miru?"

I nodded my head. "What do you want from me, Kim Taehyung?"

He smirked at me. He walked closer to the black mercedes and brushed a finger over the still wet red paint. "Mr Baek won't be too pleased if he knew that Kang Miru did it, will he?"

My eyes widened and I shook my head. "No. Don't you dare, Kim Taehyung."

He chuckled. "What would you do?" I squinted my eyes at him. Clearly it would be no use if I exposed his bad behaviours to the school because they already knew every single thing he did. And if I told the school that he threatened me, I would be caught. There was no escape for me. He looked at me, eyes full of amusement seeing me became quiet. "Nothing? Exactly."

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