8 - An Alliance

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I looked at the small book on top of my desk. The cover has a small, cute blue elephant with its trunk facing up and two tiny hearts on top of it. I put my apple juice aside and opened the book. My eyes roamed through my own handwriting each page, telling a story about my day.

I often write about Hoseok, but these days I don't write it as often anymore. So I thought, maybe I should write something to feed my little diary.

I wrote how I got scolded by Juyeon two days ago, how economics was hard yesterday, how Hoseok waved at me from the sports field, and how nice he was to me.

Oh, I think the tennis club will have a small casual match with each other today. I must watch.

I smiled to myself unconsciously, writing about Jimin and Taehyung. I hadn't noticed then, but they made me feel like I have friends who really care about me. Although I'd never admit that to Taehyung.

How's that twit doing anyway?

"Hi, Miru, you're up already?" One of my roommates, Rohee said as she walked out of the bathroom.

"Yeah, morning." I greeted which she replied back with a small 'morning'.

"Morning, Miru." I recognized that as Ari's voice.

"Morning." I greeted her who has just woken up. "What are you doing?" She said as she craned her neck to look at what I was writing. I immediately closed the book and pretended like I was playing with my phone.

"Just noting some stuff." I said.

She frowned and rubbed her eye. "Writing on that book again? What is it anyway?" She asked again.

I looked at her and put the book in the drawer. "I told you it's nothing. Just a list of stuff I need to buy so I won't forget."

I could tell that she didn't believe me. She eyed me suspiciously. "Why are you keeping secrets from me?" She muttered and stood up. She walked straight to the bathroom without looking back at me.

I stared at her figure closing the bathroom door shut. Obviously, she was pissed off at me. Well I couldn't possibly tell her what's in my diary, right? Some things are meant to be kept as a secret.

I let out a heavy sigh. I knew Ari. If I told her that it was my diary, she'd still be upset because I wouldn't let her read it. Because to her, we were very close friends and had no secrets between us at all.

It's kind of my fault too, I never told her anything about me liking Hoseok.

* * *

I flipped another page of the novel I was reading. It was already after school and I had nothing to do, so I decided to just hang in the library and read something. I had my earphones plugged in, playing R&B songs in a low volume so I could focus on the novel.

I felt a vibration on the table along with a thump. I glanced up and found a tall figure, still hasn't changed from the last period which was P.E. His fringe was stuck on his forehead because of his sweat, and his white P.E. uniform has damp patches on it. I've seen him in this state for countless times already, considering I was in the same class at him. But this time, a tint of pink managed to cover my cheeks. He threw me a boyish smile before pulling back the chair across me and sat on it.

I looked down to my book, trying to brush off whatever went over me a few seconds ago. I loosened my messy bun and let a few strands of my hair fall and frame my face.

"You showered already." Taehyung commented and opened the book he was holding.

"Yeah." I looked over at him who was rummaging his pencil case. "I see you haven't."

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