4 - Lieutenant Kim Tae

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It was afternoon, after school.

The sound of the microwave made me get up from my bed. I went to the small counter in my room to get the food. I took out the cooked macaroni and poured a lot of cheddar cheese in the cup. Because, you know, more cheese the better. I then microwaved it again.

It was one of those lazy days. Plus, I was on my period.

The front door of the dorm room opened and I craned my neck to see which of my roommates has returned. I had three roommates and one of them was Aria, or Ari for short.

The other two, I wasn't that close with them.

"Mac and cheese?" Ari asked. I just hummed while walking towards the small balcony. "Do you have some for me?"


"Stingy." Ari muttered. "By the way, are you going home this weekend?"

"Yup." I said while opening the window from the balcony. "It's been a busy week in the humanity track. I think I deserve a short break."

Knock knock!

"I'll get it." Ari said, so I stayed on the balcony.

I heard Ari opening the door and I immediately groaned when I heard a familiar voice.

"Miru, Taehyung is looking for you!" Yelled Ari.

"Not coming!"

I then heard Taehyung laugh and said something to Ari which I couldn't comprehend.

"See you tomorrow, princess!" I rolled my eyes when I heard that.

I hope not.

Not long after, the door was shut and I turned my body to look at Ari. She was holding a book in her hand.

"What's that?" I asked.

She threw the book to my desk. "Taehyung told me to hand this to you."

I got curious so I went inside. I put my cup of microwave mac and cheese down and observed the foreign book. It has Kim Taehyung's name on it. I squinted my eyes in suspicion. I flipped it open and immediately found a small yellow sticky note stuck on a blank page.

"I, Lieutenant Kim Tae, command you, villager Kang Miru, to do my philosophy homework. No rejections allowed :) " It said, and a small 'please' located at the very bottom and written in tiny fonts.

I shut my eyes in agony.

I really do want to stab his pinky toe with a wooden pencil.

I will someday.

"Kim freaking Taehyung, I-" I mumbled every single curse words I knew as I held back the urge to march at the said man to kick him where it hurts.

Ari hissed. "I guess you won't be going home this weekend then."

I groaned, burying my face in the book. "Ari, please tell me you'll be staying with me."

"Sorry, sissy," She said, plopping herself down on my bed. "My relatives are coming over so I can't."

"You unloyal toast." I sneered. "Then I'll be staying at school alone, doing someone's homework as well as mine!" I whined, yelling the last sentence.

"Oh, by the way. Do you perhaps have a... kinda special relationship with that Kim Taehyung? Because you both seem-" Ari stopped talking when I held a hand up. "What?"

"I do not have a specific relationship whatsoever with that annoying twit." I glared at Ari and ate the last bite of my mac and cheese roughly. "Period."

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