23 - Rigatoni and Reggae

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It was a day after Taehyung called me, and he hasn't called again after since. It was four and Rohee called, she told me to meet her at the usual mall. She also told me that she skipped class cleaning to meet me and that I better come or else she'll run to my house. So I did.

Luckily, my mom agreed to let me meet Rohee with a payment of dinner. I will cook tonight. I never told this to anyone but I can cook simple things. I just enjoy the feeling I get when I cook something even if it doesn't taste that good.

Anyway, I met up with Rohee. She was obviously still in her uniform, standing near the fountain in the mall's atrium. I waved my hand at her and she came running to me, giving me a big bear hug.

"I miss you! How have you been?" She asked.

"I'm bored, but I'm great." I told her.

"Let's go somewhere and sit down. We need a good talk."

And with that, we walked to the food court. We bought some drinks and popcorn chicken. She told me that people in school kept talking bad about me, but there were also a group of people who had my back. Well... they were Jimin and Hoseok's group of friends. She also kept on avoiding Taehyung and calling him a traitor and a betrayer.

Poor thing.

I laughed. "It wasn't him who did it. He was framed."

Rohee's eyes went big and she, who was about to sit down on a table for two, halted. "He didn't? But everyone was saying that he told the principal."

"Rohee, your butt is in the air. Sit down."

She finally sat down in front of me. "I don't understand. But did you really force him to take the blame that time?"

"No, I was ready to receive the punishment that time, but he stood up instead of me. I don't know why either, I guess he was just being nice." I shrugged. I also told her the story on how I first talked to Taehyung, when he caught me vandalizing the car.

"See? He's the only suspect." Rohee said, making her point.

"But he's our friend."

"Friends can backstab."

"Like Ari."

"Yeah, like Ari- wait."

I chuckled, seeing her realize. "If you think about it, how could Taehyung enter the girls' dorm without girls yelling for him to leave? And no one else knows that I keep diaries except for her, you don't even realize that I write on it every night."

"So what does it have to do with Ari?"

I facepalmed and sighed deeply. "Oh my God. I think Ari is the one who did it. If it isn't her, then it must be one of her friends."

Then something clicked in her mind. I exhaled in relief. "Oh yeah, come to think of it, Ari's gang has been pretty vocal about your issue. They kept on talking bad about you and some people seemed to be on their side, you know, badmouthing you." I just rolled my eyes at that. "I thought that maybe they just hate you but what you just said made sense. They were the ones who reported you! But how?"

I shrugged at that. "They probably hacked Taehyung's phone. I don't know how they do it, but I trust that Taehyung wouldn't put me in this situation. If he wanted to, he would've done it in the first place when Principal Baek asked who vandalized his new car." I said, stirring my cola float.

"You're right," She said and then faked a cry while whining to me like a kid. "What should I do? I've been treating him like crap today. I feel really bad."

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