25 - Hands Thrown

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Ouh, damn.

I crouched as I walked out of the bathroom. My lower stomach was hurting like crazy. The coldness on my head due to my wet hair was not helping. Rohee came towards me with a pad I asked for earlier. I thanked her and changed, dying over the terrible cramps.

"Are your cramps this bad too?" I asked Rohee, shouting from the bedroom since we were the only ones in the dorm.

"I don't get cramps." Rohee shouted back and at her response, my mouth gaped open in disbelief.

"No way," I said, opening the door after washing my hands. "You don't get cramps?"

"Looking at you, thank God I don't." Rohee laughed, bragging that she's one of the little percentage of girls who don't get cramps during their periods.

I scoffed. "This is unfair. Unacceptable." I groaned when I took a step towards my bed, feeling the throbbing pain in my lower abdomen.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to feel that." Rohee commented, eating her slice of fruits while looking over at me who was crouching down, hugging my stomach. I just threw her a glare. "Do you want hot tea or something?"

"Will you make it for me?"

"Duh, you can't even walk to your bed." She said, putting down her phone and plate of fruits on her desk. While she made me tea, I continued to crawl over to my bed and sat on it with my blanket wrapped around me.

I was glad my period came right after school, not when I was in class. Or else I'd be miserable the whole lesson. One time, I had it the morning before class and it was the worst ever. Never again. I had hot packs covering my lower abdomen under my uniform the whole day and Ari kept on laughing at me.

"Here." Rohee stretched her arm, holding a big glass of hot corn tea in front of me. I took it and immediately put the glass closer to my lower abdomen, hugging the warm glass. "Aww, your face is so pale. Taehyung would feel bad for you when he sees you like this." She pouted and patted my head.

I slapped her hand away, a look of disagreement on my face. "Why Taehyung all of a sudden? He has a girlfriend now."

"Ah, right. I heard about that, he told me." She said. The matress beside me sunk, indicating that she has sat on it. "So he really did have a thing for Sian. I actually thought he was into you but I guess not, since he's dating her now. Kinda surprised, kinda not."

I stayed silent, my lips near the glass, blowing on the hot tea. My mind wandered back to when we kissed that evening. I thought he must felt something for me, but now I've been proven that the kiss was just a mistake. It happened, and it meant something for me. I held on a little bit of hope. At that moment I forgot that he's always had his eyes on Choi Sian. Even today, he was always with her and when he was with me, he kept on talking about her nonstop.

"You do like him, don't you?" Rohee asked, her body bent forward and lower to see my face. "You wouldn't look so sad right now if you don't."

I cracked a smile and shrugged. "Nah, it's just the hormones." Rohee didn't seem to be pleased with my answer. A long sigh left my lips and it turned into a whine. "Who am I kidding- yes, yes I like him a lot. Maybe a lot more than usual since I'm on my period." I sipped my tea quickly, only to burn my tongue because it was still hot.

"Poor thing." Rohee's arms reached for a hug. I was still clutching my hot tea, crying my heart out but no tears escaped my eyes. "It's okay, you can find someone else. Ah, nevermind, the guys here are complete wrecks and I mean it."

I chuckled at her statement. "Taehyung, Jimin, and Hoseok aren't wrecks."

Her eyebrows were furrowed as she said, "Oh, you're right. But they are still wrecks in a way."

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