6 - Pretty

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I frowned at the blank page of my notebook.

I have been staring at this thing for the past five minutes and I have no idea what to write.

Taehyung didn't tell me to do his homework this time, since it's literature and that twit loves literature. I never knew he liked reading until earlier this morning I saw him paying attention to the teacher.

I should ask him to do mine sometimes.

My eyes darted to the small book with a cute blue elephant drawn on top of it. I flipped through the pages and re-read everything I had written.

"What's that book? Haven't seen it before." Ari, who was lying down on her bed across mine, got up and asked.

"Oh, it's nothing." I said and brushed it off, putting it in my drawer.

I stood up from my desk. I looked at the time and it was still eight so the library hasn't closed yet. I turned my table light off and took my library card.

Rohee, another roommate of mine who was already under her blanket on the bed next to mine got up. "Huh? Where are you going so late?"

"The library. I need to borrow a novel for my literature homework." I said.

"Yeah, 'kay. Don't be back too late though, you'll wake all of us up." Said Rohee before covering herself with blanket again. I hum as an answer.

I shut the door quietly and walked through the dark hallway of the girls' dorm. I made my way to the library with earphones on. It helped with the creepy aura of the dark building. With music blasting through my ears, I pushed the library door open. The lights were still on, although it was a bit dim because no lights were coming through the window. I greeted the librarian and went to the mystery novel section. I took the book that the teacher was discussing in class and while I was walking to the librarian, I saw two familiar figure sitting on one of the tables. They seemed to be discussing something together.

I frowned at the faces. It was Hoseok and Sian. I heard that Hoseok's class was going to have a math test tomorrow and maybe Sian was helping him out? I knew Sian was in the science track, not in humanity. Meaning that Sian's math is a level harder.

The two looked so comfortable with each other and they would laugh at whatever the other says. I felt a bit weird. I pretended not to see them and plugged in my earphones. I gave the novel I borrowed and my library card to the librarian so she could check it in. I thanked her and I got out of the room as fast as I could.

Are they that close?

* * *

"Are we close?" Taehyung asked while eating his lunch. He got some Chinese fried rice while I got a simple spicy tuna onigiri.

"I think no." I said, biting down the food. Taehyung looked at me and by his face, I knew that he was thinking. He then nodded in approval.

"I agree." He said and munched his food. Boy, he must be hungry.

I didn't know since when, but Taehyung has been sitting with me at lunch. Jimin also joined since the two were basically inseparable. I have also gotten closer with Jimin and he's just like how I expected him to be. Sweet, caring, and very kind. Although, he's got that teasey trait from hanging with Taehyung too much.

"Guys, look." Jimin said as he sat down beside Taehyung. He placed a lunch box in front of us and opened it, revealing distorted sugar cookies.

I snorted and picked up a cookie. "Did you make this?"

Practical Joke ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora