The Second Royal Child Pt.2

Start from the beginning

'Too bad in the game she lived on long after giving birth.' Sakura smiled in a mocking way.
"I bet she met that asshole already. Who would have thought the bitch had a one use teleportation crystal to the 'divine' kingdom.'

While forgetting her surrounding, she sneers at the luck this women has to actually find the right man who has the power and resources to hide and protect her till her child grew older.

"Sakura?" Mihkael was going to give Sakura to Azrael and Ariel today but the moment he looked down to tell her, he sees the sneer and her eyes filled with some type of disgust. 'Did she understand what I said!? Is she disgusted with my decision?'

Mihkael was in shock from the look she had, and he wasn't the only one. The others who listened on with their friends discussing the womens fate all noticed the cold look on Sakura's appearance. Gabriel frowned a bit and walked toward her, he knees in one leg and holds her hand, catching her attention to him.

Finaly snapping out her thoughts, what appears in her sight was a kneeling Gabriel, his face with an perturbed look, even when he shows her a small smile. "sakura, do you understand what is happening right now? Can you tell me how much?"

'Ah... was I too obvious with my emotions? I wonder what would be the right thing to say' Noticing the looks of the others, she can tell what they are thinking, and she knew they were misunderstanding why she was like that.

'So they think I feel disappointed that my dad wants to kill someone? Ha! If they truly knew what I thought, then they would know I'm colder than this man.' While those thoughts filled her mind, the outside shows a confused child tilting her head "I'll have a sibling?"

"!... and what else" the atmosphere tensed up,  Gabriel and Seraph were already planning what to say if she brings up the disposing of the maid after birth.
"What else? Ah! Her mother isn't my mommy?"

'Shit! I forgot that the gender wasn't known yet' panicking in the inside, Sakura had a childlike smile and giggled "yup! I feel like this lithle sibling is a gurl. So that's why I say her."

"Yup! I actually hope ith's a her. I rather have a gurl than boy. I can play house with her." She giggles in her hands, giving an innocent and clueless attitude to knowing her sibling will be her half sibling.

"We all hope it's a girl too, if not, you'll have to really fight for the throne.." Seraph mumbles in the back, earning a glare from Gabriel and Mihkael. He raises his hand in sorry.

"Haha! Well it's getting late Mihk, the meeting should be starting soon. So hand your daughter over." Ariel laughs off the atmosphere and walks toward Mihkael, doing a 'give me' hand gesture outstretched toward Mihkael.

"Are you exhorting his daughter or something?" Seraph can only tiredly look at this man's antics and wonders if he will ever act his age for longer than 5 minutes.

"But this idiot is right, who cares if we waste our time normally, but right now it's a meeting with all the other emperors so we should go in haste."

".... fine" Mihkael was ready to give Sakura to Ariel, but before he did, he turned her to him and looked her in the eyes "remember father loves you the most and your mother. No one will ever take that place from you."

'....I wonder if you'll say the same after meeting the lovable heroine.' Sakura smiled at him, but there was an unexplained feeling coming off that smile. Before Mihkael can ask anything, Ariel lifts Sakura to his shoulder and jumped down the steps.

"Watch it! What if you scare..." before he can finish his sentence, Gabriel can hear the laughter of the toddler and her squeal of pure joy.

"Looks like the princess is quite fearless. Reminds me of Aurora." Seraph can only chuckle at the child's joy, while he watches her, it brings memories of Sakura's mother.

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