A New Day

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Teas and Tonics! Available at just and reasonable prices!" The sound over your older brother's voice boomed over the hustling crowd in the village square market. Most people ignored the boy as he shouted and waved at passerbyer's.

You sighed in sorrow, leaning against the back of the cart that carried all of your merchandise. Herbs, teas, tonics, and oils. All things that you and your mother made to sell at the market.

She had learned her trade by a wandering magician who was staying in town for a few months. She offered him assistance cleaning his shop and he eventually offered to teach her some of what he knew. She learned what she could and after he was gone she started making a trade for herself.

You grew all the plants and herbs you needed at your farm. But the land was cold and it was hard to keep most of the plants alive. You made it happen though, you worked and worked and worked and found ways to keep them barely going until it was time to harvest them.

It was either that or have nothing to sell. Nothing to make coin with to grow food and livestock. Nothing to earn a meal with. When was the last time you had a good meal? Your stomach growled painfully.

You had barely sold anything today. You had only sold one tonic, which added up to a total of five coppers. That might get you guys a good kick out of every other shop in the village.

You gasped and jumped up in delight when a plump woman made her way up to the cart with three little kids clinging on to her dress. You brushed the dirt off of the front of your F/C dress.

" Hello my lady! how fares thee today?" You asked in a kind voice. She took a look behind you at the cart. Her brown eyes searching the contents before looking you over.

" The day is good but quite uneventful my young dear. Are you Y/N? owner of the tonic's cart?" She asked in a returning polite voice. Reaching a chubby hand and brushing it over one of her children's heads.

" Yes, ma'am you are indeed in the right place! What is your ailment today and I will see if we have something in the cart to help!" You exclaimed. She gave a big lofty sigh, closing her brown eyes in sorrow.

" My husband had an accident with the cart a few days ago. we tried to treat it but the infection does nothing but spread! The area is deeply infected with pus and the skin around is yellow! he gets sicker every minute!" She cried and you nodded your head. Turning around and searching through the cart.

" Boar's tusk root is good for deep infections. This is Soarberry oil, Drinking a spoonful a night will help east the fever and help reduce the infection. Grind the Boar's tusk up and rap his leg with a bandage covered in the material." You said. Grabbing a few small tubular roots and one bottle of blue Soarberry oil. The total comes to a price of fifteen coppers. You said

" Oh thank goodness, I knew I would come by a miracle!" She said in relief as you wrapped the bottle in cloth and placed it in her round hands as she handed you the coins. You thanked her as she thanked you, waving to her as she made her way through the crowd.

You placed the coins in your purse as your brother ran up to you. You counted everything you had. You had a total of twenty coppers now! You looked up at your brother in excitement.

" We have enough to buy the pig at the butcher's stall! we can salt the meat and we will be eating well for at least two weeks!" You cried in delight and he laughed with you, grabbing you and picking you up in a big hug. Twirling you around and your dress spun in the air.

You could not wait to feel what a full belly felt like again! Oh, what meals would your mother cook up with it! Your thoughts were racing and your stomach growled again almost as if telling you to get your butt in movement. When your brother set you down you untied the rope that kept your purse on you.

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