A Boy and His Unicorn

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A/N: Just saying now I do not own this picture, I just splatted some yellow over it to make it fit the story a bit more.

I stood very still as I stared at the secret compartment that just opened up. All I did was trace the outline of that piece of land! What could I have done here!?

Blinking slowly, I relaxed my form slightly. Taking one small step back towards the desk, I tried to see what was inside the little cubby that had just popped out. I could not quite see though.

I took one more step forward taking a look around the empty Library. I could hear Andela and Bernard talking somewhere in the distance. Their voices were far though, I could barely hear them.

It took a little bit for me to work up the courage to go forward and investigate. I was just standing there in absolute silence. It was not until the annoying ringing in my ears started again that I moved forward.

Shaking my head and scratching at my ear with a growl, trying to get the ringing to fade and go away as I neared the compartment. I looked down into it when I was right in front of the desk again.

It looked like another book. Though it was kind of hard to make out what it was since there was not a lot of light shining down on it. I closed the big book that I was just searching through and moved it over to the side to get a better angle to reach into the gap.

Reaching in, I grasped onto the book, feeling some dislodged pages that were sticking out more than others were. I angled my hand around so that I could pull it through.

There it was, another leather-bound book. This one had no name or label on the front or spine. Even the back was bare. It was a plain brown leather book. When I opened it the writing inside was very curvy and elegant, written in expensive Blue ink. The very front page was signed with the name

King Charot

King Charot was the name of the previous king. The one who ruled over Midora before Master Ambrose came and conquered it. What did I just find? I flipped the page over, which crackled as I did, and started reading the words of King Charot.

857 Gragmore ( 22 years ago)

Everything is falling apart before my very eyes! The trading has stopped, they will not send more until I can round up the coins to pay them. The crops are dying. I have nothing to sell to make more money and no money to buy anything to help them grow! People are fleeing the kingdom faster than a sailor under attack by a Kracken!

There is nothing I can do, I am helpless. It's not only Midora but Sutokoy, and Grisoa as well. They've come across the same curse as we have! King Hariette and Queen Corra are out of ideas.

None of the kingdoms across the sea will help. That damn bitch Euraja won't set foot out of her sand keep to help us, even though we have helped each other in the past!

Harriette, Corra, and I are meeting next full moon to try and conjure up one last hope to save our empires. If we don't find something soon then we will lose our people and our thrones! Even now the people riot at my gates, demanding I do something. I fear they will soon break through and demand my head on a spike. Can they not see that I am doing all that I can?!?!

I leaned away from the book, processing the information that my mind just took in. Midora, Arolan, and Grisoa were all facing a major drought more than 20 years ago. I remember my father telling me about it, so many people had to leave their lands or die. I looked back to the book and continued to read.

One month has passed since my last entry. The other Monarchs and I have come together to pool our ideas together. None of them were working. I was ready to give up hope when Corra spoke up about a rumor she had heard.

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