I tuck the knife back into my bra, adjusting it so it stops poking my chest in a weird way. Now that my bothersome hair is cleared, I bring my attention back to Eren and begin wiping the blood off of his face with my thumb.

"Alright, Eren, I'm gonna be straightforward with you; people are going to die if you don't get up. All the work you put in will go to waste, and everything you love will probably die trying to save you right now. You want a goal? Live for humanity's success." I encourage, placing a hand on his right shoulder.

I blink as I wait for a response. The moment my eyes close, an ear piercing boom echoes throughout the city and I cling onto whatever I'm holding. My body feels on fire and sweat is dripping from my face, but I can't open my eyes yet. I know I'm lying on something, but I don't know exactly what it is. The floor shakes underneath me and another roar penetrates the chaotic air which is already filled with screams and yells from below.


I finally open my eyes, but still can't see anything through the thick smoke and steam that is clouding my vision. Eren must have finally transformed into his titan self, but how isn't he out of his steaming phase? Surely I should be able to see him by now. I look up and see thick brown locks which causes panic to flood my body. I quickly look down to see what I'm slung over and find that I'm hanging over a skin coloured platform. The steam is now cleared, and I see everything underneath me perfectly.

Holy shit, am I on Eren's shoulder? How the fuck am I not dead by now?!

I realise the shaking underneath me is coming from Eren's thundering footsteps and sharp movements. I'm freaking out; I have no idea what to do.

What do people do in these situations? Can I even breathe from all the way up here? Am I going to fall? What the fuck? Why am I not dead? Should I be dead? Will I die? Will I fall off? Oh shit, I may fall off. What can I do from here?

The thoughts plague my entire being while Eren continues to rush towards the female titan.

Shut the fuck up, Kaisa. When did you become such a timid delinquent? A jellyfish has more bones than I do right now.

I grit my teeth and keep my grip on Eren's shoulder as tight as I can before moving to my hands and knees. My best friend adrenaline finally decides to show up and I realise how exciting this is. I am literally on a titan's shoulder without having to worry if it'll eat me! I am riding a titan all by myself that is just about to punch the female titan!

Wait, I'm on a titan's right shoulder who's about to punch the female titan.

"Oh fuck!" I scream as my body tumbles down Eren's arm. The air is forcibly removed from my lungs and my vision is obstructed by the constant spinning.

Once my body is thrown upright, everything happens in slow motion, almost like my brain is struggling to catch up with reality. I see Eren's fist collide with the female titan's face in front row seats before I'm launched over her right shoulder, my body twisting in a complete spin. Time resumes in its real state and I cry out in fear with arms out in front of me as I plummet towards the ground. I reach for my ODM gear with my right hand but can't get it out because it seems to be jammed with something. I'm falling too fast, I'll hit the floor in no time if I can't figure something out.

"Captain!" A voice calls out. I recognize the voice which snaps me out of my uncomposed being. My head whips in the direction of the voice and standing on a roof nearby is a young soldier with familiar short blonde hair with glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. His eyes yield no sign of worry, instead, they're filled with confidence.

It is my clarity.

I take a quick deep breath, grit my teeth, and yank out my left grappling hook. My left shoulder burns in pain as a consequence, but I turn my body around before focusing on my target: Eren. It's the biggest target I can aim at, but I'm shooting with my left arm. I don't know if it'll be accurate enough considering the disadvantage I have, but I'm left with no choice. I aim for his left shoulder as his back is turned to me and hope for the best.

Longing to Be Known | Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now