Chapter 11 | Oscars, Enemies, COD, ETC.

Start from the beginning

"Maria!!!" We yelled trying to pull her back.

Before she was completely pulled away she kicked her foot to the boy's nose making a crunching noise, causing him to cry out in pain. There was so much cheering in the background.

"HAAA!! Take that you bitch!!," she laughed.

Jane slapped the back of her head causing her to pout. Annie and I were just giggling until we got a slap too.

"Shut up, SIT DOWN and eat!" Jane scolded. There was still cheering in the background until Jane turned around to face them. Their whole demeanor changed.

"Keep laughing and I'll give you something to laugh about when I put y'all in a fucking coffin," Jane spat in a blood-curdling way.

I could've sworn that shit got deeper.

There are more incidents with the 'enemies' but that's too much.

*flashback ends*

I'm in physical science, and I am dreading this class. Tell me, dear reader, what science class makes you build a replica of Target? My teacher is what. I was sitting with Sache and Dani, who are playing COD at the moment. I hate it when we play because they always game rage, and the shit they say is pretty disturbing. Benjamin was hanging out in his little corner with his friend, but I could feel him staring at me. Weirdo. He has not spoken to me since the first day of school.

As my two friends were game raging, I was on Instagram scrolling through my feed, liking all the beautiful people's photos. The bell finally rang for dismissal. I said my goodbyes to Sache and Dani and headed out to find my babies. I finally spotted them, and we all hugged and made small talk before we all said our farewells.

I was in the school parking lot, irritated because I can't seem to find Casey anywhere. I opened my phone to send her a text, and I saw that she sent me a message saying she'll be staying back in school for volleyball tryouts 

"That dumb bitch," I hissed while sending her a text that I'll wait until she's done with tryouts.

"Hey," I turned to look who it was and it was Benjamin.

"Oh hey. What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing just wanted to stop by and say hi," he said.

"Oh..uh well hey,"

"Who are you waiting for?"

"Ugh Casey. I'm waiting for her, but she has tryouts, and I could've taken the bus if I'd knew sooner," I huffed out in annoyance.

"I can give you a ride," he offered.

"Oh no no no, it's okay. I'll wait for her to finish. It's no big deal," I continued.

"Hey hey hey, just ride with me," he said chuckling.

We both walked away from Casey's car and to his. He unlocked it with the key button and rushed to my door to open it. I looked at him and started laughing.

"What? Chivalry isn't dead you know," Benjamin said with a smirk.

"Dead it is not," I said giving him a wink. He closed my door and headed to his, and got in.

Jamie Quill: The bad boy, the jock, and the closeted.Where stories live. Discover now