"Ehnn!" Ara's mom turned back to Ara's direction. "Kilowi?"

"Mi o pada mo." Ara repeated in their native language. "I will return back to shop with you till I can register for GCE again. I need to pass maths. I failed it last year. I just didn't want to tell you and Dad."

"Well," Ara's mom dragged. "I pray you pass it this year. I will be happy even if it is school of nursing you entered."

This time, Ara stopped talking because she knew arguing with her mom would be futile at the end.  Ara's mom who got the message immediately returned to her bending position as she swept their small kitchen in ten seconds.

Ara did morning prayer with them, and till their mom left home, Aramade was still around. This made Omoh finally voiced out her curiosity after she took her bath and dressed up to finally hit the road. "Sissy, you no dey go your hood?"

Ara snatched Omoh's small bag which once belonged to Ara. "You will be the one to tell me that new hood you dress so much for if it's not your momma's shop. Don't tell me you have a boyfriend!"

Omoh laughed. "Aunty Ara someone needs to replay that scene. You suddenly sound like mom."

"And the day you ever talk to me like that, it will be the end of you touching my things or you dare to ask me for anything."

"Ahh!" Omoh laughed, a bit surprised. "Kini moti wi egbami o. Sissy, wetin dey sup? It's just girls hangout. And I don't have a boyfriend."

"Better! Now we are both going to the shop."

Omoh heaved a fustrating sigh, murmuring as she headed to the cupboard for the second time. "You've come again o..."

"I thought you missed me."

"Not anymore o." Omoh grumbled.

Getting back to her old life. It was nice mixing the flour again. Baking cakes for customers, preparing small chops, making mince pie and lots of egg roll which a lot of people patronize them for. They cook for big or small events. They cook for companies who would rather order from them to deliver than go somewhere else. Her mom made a lot of sales because she was very good. She had workers and even people who came to learn under her. Her mom was expensive. Sometimes, she wondered why her mom would charge people like that. But then, having learn from her mom, Ara noticed her mom preferred to spend any amount on ingredients just to make the work come out well. So, it was either you pay her what she wanted or find yourself someone else. Yet, her customers kept increasing.

The shop was always busy. They work till morning to night. Her mom had a very big shop which could be easily noticed by anyone passing by in the market. They had a place where people could sit and eat whatever they order for. She realized her mom now run a POS where people could withdraw money, which made it easier for her money to be safe in bank rather than her packing them to bank herself.

They sell packs of drinks. They deliver and people do patronize them. This was exactly what Ara saw that made her dislike her mom thinking despite all the money she made every blessed day, she abandoned their education. But now, she realized and she knew where all the money were going. Her mom was saving for them. She was not only saving, she was building a future for them. She saw the picture of the house her mom and Dad were building. It was beautiful. The house was almost done and Ara couldn't help but imagine all the sacrifices her mother made for that to happen.

Ara had already made two cakes which was yet to be delivered. She was good at it so her mom trusted her to make them all. She managed to eat and rest before starting to make the third cake. It was around 4pm in the afternoon. Everyone was busy again after resting for a while. Ara snatched Omoh down who look after the POS with lots of complaints wondering what people needed money for because she couldn't watch her movie in peace.

While everyone was back to work again, it was hard for them not to notice the red, flashy sport car that suddenly appeared close to the shop. It drove slowly to the front of the shop causing everyone to pause and watch who the hell owned that ride. Lots of their customers do come with expensive ride but this was different. It was attractive, flashy, and beautiful. It didn't just take their attention but also some of the pedestrians as well. Some stood to watch. Some walked slowly just to see who owned the ride too. While some bet it was another Yahoo guy. Expecting to see a guy on crazy Jean, ear stud or earrings, crazy haircut, expensive t-shirt and a big chain on him.

But then, they saw a tall, simple dark guy on a darker shades with a normal haircut climbed down from the red car. His t-shirt looked like the one they sell for one thousand five hundred naira at oshodi market. His Jean was just like every normal Jean. No chain, no earring, but a Rolex watch and that was all.

Only Ara recognized who that was from afar. It was the stunning Prince Ire. Looking simple yet expensive. Her heart skipped a bit. Her heart smiled seeing him again. Her eyes stealing glances at his simple yet handsome looks. He did look for her. Because he cared Ara. He seemed to care about you. Ara smiled at the thoughts. While every other person in the shop was curious about the guy standing next to the red car, Ara admired him from afar with lots of thoughts covering her mind. She thought of calling him to tell him she wouldn't be coming back, but instead Ara chose not to, waiting till he called her because she was suddenly scared of what his response might me.

"Mom." Ara called the woman who finally raised her head to see what was distracting everyone. "That's my boss mom. The one I work for at the palace. I don't know why he's here. I didn't tell him I won't be coming back. I guess he's here for that." Ara whispered to her mom who suddenly thought of an idea.

"Susan bring me the Lekki cake!" Ara's mom shouted. Immediately it was brought to her, she turned to Aramade who was beside her. "Collect it. You are delivering that now."

Ara who seemed a bit confused stared at her mom for another confirmation. "Mom, we are not to deliver that yet."

"Ehnn, I know. But I want it delivered now. They will definitely praise us for being so early." Ara's mom collected the cake from Susan instead, watching Prince Ire with one eye without her eyes leaving her daughter. "Tell me if you can't go and let me send someone else!" Her mom raised her voice, eventually putting the cake on Ara's hands. "Take jhoor! And go to where I send you now."

"But mom---"

"But wetin?" Ara's mom cut her off. "You better face that door because you are taking the back door. And I'm behind you. I'm going to watch you take a bike now."

Ara couldn't believe what her mom just did. As much as she doesn't want to listen to her, she did listen to her and smiled at her before shaking her head. It was obvious her mom didn't want her talking to Prince Ire who finally stepped into the shop as Ara made her way out.

"Good afternoon sir."

"What would you like sir?"

"There is a seat over there sir."

The hospitality was too much as they all stood at Prince Ire's front with smiles displayed on their faces. It was Omoh's turn to finally confess what was in her mind.

"Mom, I know that man. He's been here twice. I can remember vividly."

Without replying anyone yet, his phone beeped. He looked down at his phone and clicked on the message.

'Sir, where I'm heading to right now will take me hours to return. I'm sure I won't get to meet you. Mom did this on purpose. I'm sorry. No matter what, please be nice to her. Till we get to talk.

Prince Ire couldn't help but smile. He finally looked up. Only to be face to face with Ara's mom.


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