Chapter 35

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Mean's POV

Bas: Mean!  Don't you eat?  ... grabbing spoon in hand but in daze.

Bas's words make him come back to sense now ... I don't even know what I'm thinking and eating

Mean: Oh yes.

Bas: Mean!  Is there something upset you? You are sighing so often! I have to call you about 5 times to be heard.

Mean: Oh.. I was thinking of something else ...

Just think of it now. I haven't told Bas about him.  There was time I purposely keep my mouth shut about my marriage but I wanted to open my heart to him and ask for help now, in the absence of such help from someone.

Would my heart be at ease I can tell it someone?

Mean: I... I have some issue with the one I got married to..

Bas: Oh .. Mean is married? I feel very sorry! I didn't know about that you have a family member and asking for help like that often...

Mean: No worries, it is my fault in fact.

Mean is thinking about strange things lately. The ones he might not even think with his past behaviors. Now he decide something on a whim that he should draw a line with Bas in their relationship.

Mean: Did you know that I like Bas before?

Bas looks dumbfounded by an unexpected question ...

Bas: Ah... well, my friends used to say that.  But we do not even speak to each other so I was not sure. It was also by chance we met again so ...

Mean: Yes. Your are my first love! When you disappeared and lost contact I was hurt.  I was rejoiced when I saw you again.  But something I didn't know is...

He could not say further and Bas looked at Mean who is full of uncertainty and uncertainty. Bas smiled and help continued his talk,

Bas: Now you can only think of your married one, not me?

Bas's guessing words caught Mean's mind red-handed!
He smiled shyly back in response with a quiet sigh again.

Mean: Something that I never thought of happened... is ridiculous. 

Bas: Don't be surprised.  Everyone has his fate he cannot deny.
What's the matter with him now?

Mean: I said I would break up with him.

Bas: What?  Am I the cause?  Can I go explain to him and clean up?

Mean: Not at all.  I was in the wrong.  And he too has his childhood beloved. We have a fight when I accuse him. It 's a good idea to have a break up so he can be happy. But I don't know what doesn't feel right.

Bas: What if he had changed his mind like you?

Mean: What?

Bas: Think about your two's relationship carefully. Sometimes, you just don't get the right perspective because of your own opinion.  I wish you to be okay. I'll have to go first, then.

Bas greet and left him for ages but he cannot still left his chair and sitting and thinking for a long time.

He does not know where Plan is going.  May be he is at one of his friend's place. Because of my friends and his friends seem to be shunning me away, it means they got news from him. So I feel anxious but I feel that Plan is safe somewhere.

Now it is to time to search for him well, as I want know know what he is feeling and I am also sure of what my feelings are, so I must see him and tell him in person.

Then I left the place,

Mean: Aom?

A few steps away, I saw Aom, holding a man's hand, and talking in lovely manner. Seeing Aom,

As I get a lot of questions that came up on my mind and I didn't know why I got so angry so I walk straight up to Aom.

Mean: AOM!

Aom: P Mean?

.............. //////// ......................

>>> Chapter 36



I was busy, lazy so update got delayed!
Here comes another twist! 💙💚

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