Chapter 38 - You Are Not Alone

Start from the beginning


Martial just smiled. 'I will leave you to it.'

Then the kid was stepping out his door and leaving the two of them there, inside the room with lot to discuss. Error looked at Ink the same time as the artist did and both of them averted their eye lights quickly. There was silence for a moment. Both of them looking anywhere but each other while fidgeting.

Error decided to break the silence as he sat down the bed. "Why are you here?"

Ink snapped his attention on him. "To stay..."

"I told you before, I don't need you."

"...I know you don't mean that." Ink said as he sat down the chair, infront of the other.

Error just looked at him with a questioning gaze. "Dream told me. You fought really hard for me... but things were inevitable."

Error assumed that the other got into the First's good side which was a miracle. "Then you knew my intentions."

"...I won't go back without you. We promised." Ink said with determination. "You know... I'm not better myself. You did what you thought was best and my first thought was that you're an idiot." Error scowled at the other's opinion. "Then... I thought that maybe you did that because you're scared that I will blame you if you don't know what to do. I shouldn't have yelled at you back then... I'm sorry."

Error's gaze softened at the apology. "But you expect me to know, right? If I didn't thought of that and pushed us to be together... I don't know what to do. What if I made the wrong decision and lead you to your death? I couldn't even bring your dust when I go back..." Error looked at his hands as he imagined the looks Ink's friends would give him and no one would tell the destroyer that it wasn't his fault, that he did his best. "If I made any decision... I want to be certain about it something that was better..."

He could see the frown on Ink's face as he mumbled to himself. "You've been carrying this burden for so long..."

Error looked up at the ceiling. "When I thought this place was a vacation... I wasn't lying. Staying here... I don't have to think that I should know everything. No one expect me to know everything. The things I should know was limited to what Fourth General should know. I felt at ease somehow..." Error smiled at the lesser burden doing Fourth's duty. "I'm sorry if it sounded selfish."

"It's fine... I thought I don't need help too... being immortal made me ignore death. Getting into situations where I almost got killed made me realize how terrifying and how much I wanted to call for help." Ink shook his head to clear away the fear and smiled at Error. "But it will be fine. From now on, you can tell me everything. Your plans, finish or not, anything troubling you, with or without solution. I'll be here, we'd figure everything together."

He grabbed Error's hand and it made the destroyer realize how much he missed him. "You're not alone... We are not alone. We have each other, alright?"

Error felt his throat clogged up, he can't speak and he didn't even trust himself to form a sentence so he nodded. He felt tears in his eye sockets as the realization hit him.

I'm not going to do this alone. I don't have to know everything from now on, it's okay.

"Yeah..." He'll be okay now, Ink won't blame him. "Yeah."

Ink watched the other cry as he thought that needing help wasn't a bad thing. Right now, Error needed someone to trust him and Ink would be there to ask assistance and he wouldn't doubt it, he'd be okay. Error was strong and he believed on the other's abilities.

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