Once the steam clears, Leonhart seems to have little concern for the destruction she creates as she crushes the corridor Eren is in. While I count the seconds that go by, my worry increases, knowing that she's probably killed those who were supposed to help the trio out. Now I need to figure out the best line of action that isn't going to get me killed. I watch the female titan strike the underground again and my body tenses completely before I jump into action. 17 seconds—that's the time difference between her attacks using her legs. With this in mind, I know that I can't kill the female titan on my own, but I know that I can distract her for a while to give those inside some time.

"Hey, you!" I call out to the female titan while swinging by, drawing her attention to the next housetop I land on. Her eyes squint in anger when she turns to face me completely, so I mock her by spinning around in circles.

"Looks like you couldn't kill me after all!" I tease, leaning over once I stop my rotations, sticking out my tongue.

"Might as well kill me first before it comes to bite you in the ass." I suggest, shrugging my shoulders.

The female titan doesn't respond, instead, she lifts her foot from the second indent found in the tunnel and makes her way towards me. I sigh internally from relief before jumping off without using my ODM gear this time. Sure, it'll be more difficult to drag her away with just my legs, but she won't make the same mistakes she made yesterday; she'd most likely just catch my wires and grand-slam me straight to hell.

I like pancakes, but I don't appreciate being one, thank you.

I roll on the ground over my right shoulder, landing upright straight into a sprint, running far away from everyone else. I don't bother looking over my shoulder because I'm confident that she's after my life. I try to recall all the empty buildings in the area and devise my plan to bounce between them to get her to use some energy. I can see the streets from a bird's eye view clearly now, so I envision my future route in my head. The floor shakes underneath me with each step she takes towards my small frame, and my entire body shakes with the ground.

She takes another lunge behind me but this time it's strong enough to launch my body into the air. I panic for a quick second before attaching a wire to the building on my left, swinging around using my hand once it lands as the point of my pivot. Using the force of my spin, I crash into the wooden door of the building with the bottom of my feet.

17 seconds.

The moment I enter, I quickly observe the room I'm in and look for a way out from this place before I realise that it's a one-story building. Around me are a round wooden table, two chairs to match, and a sofa which is against the wall across from me. I turn and face the wall my back is towards, only noticing my one option.

Shit. 13 seconds.

This is quite the unfortunate scene, but there's a window that's relatively high up, but it's horizontal. It's not big enough for me to crawl through, but if I can lie on my side through the gap, I'll be able to make it. I move fast, running behind the table quickly before shoving it towards the window. Of course, it tumbles over, but I don't have time to worry about it since a foot is going to crush right through my body before I can even form the thought.

10 seconds.

I take the risk since it's do or die now. I jump onto the thin round edge of the table which rattles underneath my leap off of it. My hands reach up and barely miss the edge, but my fingertips keep me hanging.

7 seconds.

I pull myself up and notice the window doesn't have a latch to open it which sends my nerves into a frenzy. I reach into my bra, pulling out a pocket knife I usually keep inside my jacket and stab it into glass which barely cracks. I grunt in frustration, repeatedly violating the thick glass in desperation.

4 seconds.

The glass finally shatters and a shard grazes near my left eye while the rest of the pieces scratch my face and pierce other open areas of my flesh.

2 seconds.

But the roof collapses behind me early.

The pressure from the inside of the building being crushed sends me forward into the building right next to it, and with the blade still in my hand, I brace for impact. An agonizing scream escapes me and breaks through the air when I feel the blade dig into my shoulder. I can't help but gasp for air when my back throbs in pain.

I miscalculated the time that was available to me, and now I'm paying the price. I should have known the 17 second period was only applicable to the periods in between attacks. At least now I know that I have a 17 second cool down before she starts chasing me again. I struggle to pull myself onto my hands and knees, but the moment I do, I yank the knife out of my shoulder before launching a hook into the house I planned to go to afterwards. I was meant to take this alleyway earlier, but I guess I'll have to pass by using my gear instead of my feet.

13 seconds.

The wire drags my body and I bite my tongue to prevent any more loud cries from escaping in attempt to avoid bringing attention to myself until I'm able to somewhat recover. Four meters before I hit the wall, I retract my wire to stop the pull's velocity and let my body tumble across the floor. Rolling to a stop, I breathe in the dusty gravel road, feeling my body wanting to cave in on itself. I carefully bring myself up, knowing that if I move too quickly, I'll most likely pull a muscle. I stumble and lean against the wall I used to pull myself here, using it as a crutch as I walk along the street.

6 seconds.

I pass by a window and notice my once clear cheeks are dripping red in my own cynical liquid blush. My cream dress is soaking with the same red fluid, trickling down my left shoulder where the knife wound came from. For a split second, I see this morning's appearance flash across my vision before focusing on the weak reflection staring back at me.

Fucking bitch—she ruined my dress.

I wipe the blood left on the blade onto my forehead, trying to preserve the dress as much as I can.

It's petty, but I don't need a reflection to tell me that I do not look like I care.

Closing the pocket knife, I put it back into my bra while I roll my neck back and forth between my shoulders preparing myself for the worst to come.

2 seconds.

My hands latch onto my ODM gear and I give a little knock against my gas tank to hear its reassuring low sound, reminding me it's essentially full. I countdown the last second aloud before shooting myself between the multitude of buildings around me. I use the velocity I gather from moving along the different brick complexions around me before launching two final hooks: one into a house below me and another into a higher building. I lean in the direction of the building that is higher, and the second my feet make contact with the bricks, I launch myself into the air using the tension between the two wires as a propeller.

I see the female titan remove herself from the mess below, lifting her head when she does so. Her expression tells me she isn't expecting me to be at eye level once she looks up, but unfortunately for her, I'm full of surprises.

This is what Humanity's Tempest looks like. 

Longing to Be Known | Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now