My life was complicated and violent. I constantly had to watch my back and train most of the time while they had such simple lives. They probably only had to worry about homework, stupid drama, and relationship problems.

They were free.

I turned to look at Tori to find her staring at the other kids, too. I could tell she was feeling the same way I was.

Tori lost her parents at a really young age due to them witnessing a crime and paying the price of being at the wrong place at the wrong time with their lives, so she and her older brother were put into HEX to keep them protected just in case they get targeted as well. Her brother, Kale, was able to find the criminals and execute them the same way they did their parents. Instead of leaving HEX afterward, they both decided to stay even though there was no threat to their life and no more revenge to be sought because HEX is now their life. There is no way any of us can return to being ordinary people.

Unfortunately, Tori only gets to see her brother once a month, thanks to their busy schedules. They still try to make time for each other, and even though they have four years between them, they are still pretty close.

Not just any kid wanting to be a part of HEX can join. Only the ones Mr Black approves of. The ones who he thinks have potential. He says he can see it just by looking into their eyes.

Actually, they haven't had any kids join for a while. Probably because there are already too many agents and the company doesn't need more at the time being, they are declining any offers of kids joining.

Tori quickly snapped out of her daze and turned to look at me. "Okay, we both have health in the first hour, but we'll be separated after until lunch and gym."

I nodded, covered the side of my mouth, and leaned in to whisper. "Don't forget, if you see anyone you suspect to be part of the mafia, tell me right away-" I stopped speaking once I noticed the hallway go from loud chatter to dead silence.

Everyone suddenly stepped away from the center of the hallway and practically pressed themselves against the lockers. It was quiet to the point where you could hear a pin drop.

What the hell is going on? Did they all just get possessed or something?

Tori turned to look at me with an eyebrow raised. "What the hell is going on?" She mouthed.

Before I could tell her I was just as lost as she was, the primary school doors slammed open, and five guys entered.

One was walking in the front, and two were walking on each side of him. I recognized the one in the middle right away. Our main target, Ace Marino.

I was still bewildered by how similar he looked to Damon and Kevin, yet more alluring in a way. Unlike Damon and Kevin, who gave off warm and positive energy. This guy was the opposite. His gaze was as cold and sharp as Mount Fuji. His presence demanded attention, and his aura radiated power.

Everything about him was attractive. Even the way he walked. They walked silently but with powerful strides down the hallway.

No one looked directly at them; in fact, everyone was staring down as if to avoid any eye contact.

Everything continued to be silent until they turned the corner into another hallway. People slowly go back to their conversations as if nothing had happened.

"Okay, I'm ninety-five percent sure that doesn't happen at normal high schools."

I pulled my textbook out of my locker and slammed it shut. "Yeah, well, other schools aren't run by one of the most powerful mafias in the world."

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