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I walked into my math class after a long and exhausting day. I just finished a long five page essay in English class and it took most of my mental energy.

Unlike yesterday, Aiden didn't talk to me but he did smile and wave. Half the girls glared at me but no one really confronted me about him being friendly to me yet.

The fist thing I noticed walking into math class was that Ace connected our desks again.

Are we still doing the group work?

He slightly smiled when he noticed me approaching.

"Hi." I quietly greeted and sat down in my seat.


Class quickly started so I didn't have much time to overthink the situation. The teacher confirmed that we will in fact continue doing the group work.

We immediately began to do our assignment. Ace and I split the work so we can finish faster. I was already almost half way done with mine when I saw him lean over to look at my paper. "Damn, you're good at this."

"You think so? It's not really that hard."

He chuckled and the sound sent shivers down my spine. "Speak for yourself. I'm struggling over here."

I looked over at his sheet to see that he only completed three questions so far.

"I can help you if you want."

He smiled, and not the small smile he gave me earlier, but an actual smile. "I'd appreciate it if you did."

After that, I spent the remaining hour helping him. Unfortunately, we couldn't finish our work in time so the teacher suggested we finish it during lunch.

I agreed because I assumed we would do it separately, but he had a different idea.

"Help me finish it during lunch." He more demanded then asked as I stood up to leave.


Was that a good idea?

"Oh, I don't mind but I'd hate to leave my cousin eat lunch by herself."

Yeah, that was a good excuse.

"Bring her too. You can sit with my friends and I. Just until we finish our assignment."


"Uhm, ok. I'll ask her." With that, I grabbed my stuff and headed out.

Ten minutes later, I was standing in front of a wide eyed Tori, explaining to her what happened in math class.

"Are you serious? You want us to sit with Ace and his group? That's literally like walking into the lions den."

"I know, but I think it can be in our advantage as well."

I'v been thinking about it on my way to lunch. This is a good opportunity to get closer to Ace and the others. The closer we get to them, the more information we'll get.

"No Mia, It's ris-"

"Tori think about it." I interrupted. "We haven't been getting any information on them. We only reported one damn thing since we came here. It's time we step up our game."

I could tell I was starting to convince her, but before she could say something, her eyes traveled behind me and slightly widened.

"Well even if I agree or not, I don't think we're gonna have much of a choice." She said as she motioned behind me with her eyes.

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