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I was beyond pissed, and I couldn't even understand why. She's a spy, an enemy. Yet hearing those inccolent guys threaten and insult her enraged me to violent levels.

"Up." I commanded, glaring at the asshole in the center. The one who suggested to hit her as a way to fix her face.

I also didn't miss the fact that he admitted to being apart of the reason Mia was looking, and smelling, the way she did when she arrived late for class.

Whatever he did, he won't get away with it.

It seems fear has glued him and his friends to their seats because instead to standing up as I had instructed, they were looking up at me like three mice caught in a trap.

My patience was running out, so instead of repeating myself, I march up to him and haul him out of his seat.

"Since you're refusing to use your legs, maybe I should cut them off and drag you three out myself."

A couple gasps spread around the classroom and the teacher stepped towards me. She was practically shaking, with sweat evident on her forehead.

"Ace please, refrain from threatening other students."

Now my anger doubled. She was the one who stayed quiet while this idiot and his friends threatened Mia, so who the hell was she to tell me not to threaten him back?

Or maybe she stayed quite because she knew he most likely wouldn't follow through with his threat, while she knows for a fact I would do it without hesitation. It's not like I haven't done something similar in the past.

Everyone in this school has heard about the rumors of who I am and what I do, and those rumors are as true as the sky is blue.

I turned my glare to her and she immediately backed off. "How about you go back to pretending to be deaf before I involve you in this as well."

I didn't wait for her reply, if there even was one, before I shoved all three guys to the front of the classroom then out the door.

"Keep walking." I shoved them forward. "I'll punch anyone of you who tries to look back."

I had them walk down two hallways before reaching the main school doors. People were starting to appear in the hallways, watching us.

I saw Marco leaning against a locker and talking to a girl. He smiled when he saw me, but his smile dropped at the sight of my violent gaze.

He looked at the guys that I was instructing to keep walking and narrowed his eyes. Realizing what type of situation this was, he followed behind me.

One of the guys, the one who did nothing but laugh, started looking around, like he was looking for help.

I noticed his lingering gaze on the principals office. Assuming he was going to try and make a run for it, I shoved him one last time through the main doors. "Don't even think about it."

I turned around to the other two who did try to run back into the building, but Marco grabbed them and threw them down the stone stairs leading up to the main doors.

They rolled down and landed right next to their friend who was bleeding from the side of his head.

The main dude, the one who threatened and insulted Mia the most out of the three, raised his arms as if he was surrendering.

"Wait! We didn't say or do anything to you!"

I grinned in a way I was sure frightened them even more.

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