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I hurriedly notified Tori about what happened and agreed to meet up with her near the security room after the bell rang.

Skipping class and making my way to the hallway leading to the security room was the easy part, but the hard part was trying not to get captured by any of the security cameras that were stationed.

Tori and I were currently hunched around a corner that leads to the security room. Tori had her Computer hunched on her lap as she typed away, trying to hack into the school's security system while I kept look out.

There wasn't anyone in the hallways considering class already started, but I wouldn't put it past Ace and his crew to show up to check the security cameras themselves.

"I can't believe you were careless enough to be recorded." Tori stated annoyingly as she continued to type in a rapid speed.

"It's not like I had a choice. I didn't have enough time to check my surroundings."

"You still could have been more careful." She stoped typing for a second to look at me. "It would have been over for us if anyone saw you."

Annoyance quickly crept up my back. I didn't like being blamed for things I didn't even have control over.

"Oh I'm sorry! Was it not our job to also keep him alive for our purposes? Or should I have let him get poisoned because I was too busy looking for a camera free spot?"

She stoped typing again to give me a guilty look. "I know, I'm sorry." 

She gave my shoulder a slight squeeze. "It's just that the situation sucks. We just have to be more careful from now on."

I nodded and turned my head to look around the corner again. "How long until your in the system?"

"Just give me a minute. I still need to get through the security measures. They have more security precautions than a freaking mall."

I sighed and leaned my head against the wall.

What makes this situation worse is that we're both skipping a class to be here. That will obviously put a dent in our "good school girls" record.

I turned my head around the corner again to look at the security room.

It looked like the light from the security room was turned off so I'm sure there isn't anyone in there, but we couldn't take the risk of going in there and checking ourselves.

About a minute later, Tori was finally able to break into the system and it took her another ten minutes for her to find the exact footage of me throwing the eraser and deleting it.

She also started deleting the footage of us coming into this hallway and started editing to make it hard to notice there was any cut-outs from the footage.

"Ok, now we just have to wait for it to finish loading."

"Good because this stress is killing me." I sighed as I slumped against the wall again.

My body was so exhausted, it was ridiculous. 

I couldn't get much rest between training and keeping alert on everything that happens at school. On top of that we have to do the homework they give us because we are meant to be real students who worry about real grades.

"How about we book a spa appointment." Tori slumped her shoulders next to me. "We really could use that, especially aft-"

The sound of loud hurried footsteps suddenly flowed into our ears and the both of us immediately tensed, looking around the corner to see who was approaching.

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